# This file provides theorem environments without adding preamble code or # requiring packages. THis is useful for classes that define their own theorems # like svjour3 or ijmpc. # Author: Uwe Stöhr # The environnements defined are : # - Theorem # - Corollary # - Lemma # - Proposition # - Prop # - Conjecture # - Fact # - Definition # - Example # - Problem # - Prob # - Solution # - Sol # - Exercise # - Remark # - Claim # - Case (defined without a counter) # - Property # - Question # - Note Format 41 Counter theorem End Style Theorem Category Theorem Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName theorem NextNoIndent 1 Argument 1 LabelString "Name/Title" Tooltip "Alternative optional name or title" EndArgument LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Left LabelType Counter LabelCounter theorem LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." Font Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold EndFont LangPreamble \providecommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\theoremname}{_(Theorem)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter corollary End Style Corollary CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter corollary LatexName corollary LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." LangPreamble \providecommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\corollaryname}{_(Corollary)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter lemma End Style Lemma CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter lemma LatexName lemma LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." LangPreamble \providecommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\lemmaname}{_(Lemma)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter proposition End Style Proposition CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter proposition LatexName proposition LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." LangPreamble \providecommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propositionname}{_(Proposition)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter prop End Style Prop CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter prop LatexName prop LabelString "Prop \theprop." Font Shape Up EndFont LabelFont Series Medium EndFont End Counter conjecture End Style Conjecture CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter conjecture LatexName conjecture LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." Font Shape Up EndFont LabelFont Series Medium Shape Italic EndFont LangPreamble \providecommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\conjecturename}{_(Conjecture)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter fact End Style Fact CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter fact LatexName fact LabelString "Fact \thefact." LangPreamble \providecommand{\factname}{_(Fact)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\factname}{_(Fact)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter definition End Style Definition CopyStyle Theorem LabelCounter definition LatexName definition LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." RefPrefix def Font Shape Up EndFont LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold EndFont LangPreamble \providecommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\definitionname}{_(Definition)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter example End Style Example CopyStyle Conjecture LabelCounter example LatexName example LabelString "Example \theexample." RefPrefix exa LangPreamble \providecommand{\examplename}{_(Example)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\examplename}{_(Example)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter problem End Style Problem CopyStyle Definition Category Exercise LabelCounter problem LatexName problem LabelString "Problem \theproblem." RefPrefix prob LangPreamble \providecommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\problemname}{_(Problem)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter prob Within chapter End # Prob does not copy a style to avoid preamble code Style Prob Category Exercise LatexType Environment LatexName prob Margin First_Dynamic LabelType Counter LabelCounter prob LabelString "\theprob." RefPrefix pro NextNoIndent 1 ResetArgs 1 LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Left LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Counter solution End Style Solution CopyStyle Problem LabelCounter solution LatexName solution LabelString "Solution \thesolution." RefPrefix solu LangPreamble \providecommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\solutionname}{_(Solution)}} EndBabelPreamble End Style Sol CopyStyle Prob LatexName sol LabelType Static LabelString "# [number of Prob]" Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Label of Problem" Tooltip "Label of the corresponding problem" EndArgument End Counter exercise End Style Exercise CopyStyle Definition LabelCounter exercise LatexName exercise LabelString "Exercise \theexercise." RefPrefix exer LangPreamble \providecommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\exercisename}{_(Exercise)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter remark End Style Remark CopyStyle Conjecture LabelCounter remark LatexName remark LabelString "Remark \theremark." RefPrefix rem LangPreamble \providecommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\remarkname}{_(Remark)}} EndBabelPreamble End Style Claim CopyStyle Remark LatexName claim LabelString "Claim" LangPreamble \providecommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\claimname}{_(Claim)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter case End Style Case CopyStyle Remark LabelCounter case LatexName case LabelString "Case \thecase." RefPrefix case LangPreamble \providecommand{\casename}{_(Case)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\casename}{_(Case)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter property End Style Property CopyStyle Claim LabelCounter property LatexName property LabelString "Property \theproperty." RefPrefix prop LangPreamble \providecommand{\propertyname}{_(Property)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\propertyname}{_(Property)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter question End Style Question CopyStyle Claim LabelCounter question LatexName question LabelString "Question \thequestion." RefPrefix que LangPreamble \providecommand{\questionname}{_(Question)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\questionname}{_(Question)}} EndBabelPreamble End Counter note End Style Note CopyStyle Claim LabelCounter note LatexName note LabelString "Note \thenote." RefPrefix note LangPreamble \providecommand{\notename}{_(Note)} EndLangPreamble BabelPreamble \addto\captions$$lang{\renewcommand{\notename}{_(Note)}} EndBabelPreamble End