#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #\DeclareLyXModule{Named Theorems} #DescriptionBegin # Facilitates the use of named theorems. The name of the theorem # goes into the "Short Title" inset. #DescriptionEnd #Requires: theorems-ams | theorems-starred #Original Author: John Perry Format 30 Style "Named Theorem" CopyStyle Theorem* Category Theorem LabelString "Named Theorem." LatexName namedthm Preamble \newcommand\thmsname{Theorem} \newcommand\nm@thmtype{theorem} \theoremstyle{plain} \newtheorem*{namedtheorem}{\thmsname} \newenvironment{namedthm}[1][Undefined Theorem Name]{ \ifx{#1}{Undefined Theorem Name}\renewcommand\nm@thmtype{theorem*} \else\renewcommand\thmsname{#1}\renewcommand\nm@thmtype{namedtheorem} \fi \begin{\nm@thmtype}} {\end{\nm@thmtype}} EndPreamble End