#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[svmult,natbib.sty]{book (Springer svmult)} # Author: Koji Yokota # adapted: Marcus Kriele (April 2011) # # Supports: SVMULT DOCUMENT CLASS -- version 5.4 (25-Jun-07) # Class and style files and templates are found at: # http://www.springer.com/authors # Format 34 Input svcommon.inc ClassOptions FontSize 10 End NoStyle Acknowledgements #NoStyle Acknowledgement Counter svmultlsti LabelString "Contributor \Roman{svmultlsti}:" End # Additional headings Style MiniTOC CopyStyle Running_Title LatexType Command LatexName svmulttoc LeftMargin "TOC depth (provide a number):xxx" LabelString "TOC depth (provide a number):" Preamble \newcommand{\svmulttoc}[1]{\setcounter{minitocdepth}{#1}\dominitoc} EndPreamble End Style Title* CopyStyle Title LatexName title* LabelString "Title*: " LabelSep "xxx" LabelType Static Margin First_Dynamic HTMLTitle true LabelFont Color Blue EndFont End Style Title TopSep 2 LabelString "Chapter \thechapter" LabelType Counter LabelCounter chapter TocLevel 1 InTitle 0 End Style Contributors CopyStyle Foreword LabelString "List of Contributors" LatexName contributors End Style List_of_Abbreviations_&_Symbols_[Deprecated] InTitle 1 CopyStyle Description LatexName abbrsymblist End Style List_of_Abbreviations_&_Symbols InTitle 1 CopyStyle Description LatexName abbrsymblist ObsoletedBy List_of_Abbreviations_&_Symbols_[Deprecated] End Style Author Font Series Bold Family Sans Size Normal Shape Up EndFont End Counter svmultlsti LabelString "Contributor \Roman{svmultlsti}" Within chapter End Style List_of_Contributors Category "For editors" Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Item_Environment LatexName svmultlstcnt NextNoIndent 1 InTitle 0 LabelType Counter LabelCounter svmultlsti LabelSep xxx LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont ParSkip 0.0 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left Preamble \newcounter{svmultlsti}% \newenvironment{svmultlstcnt}{% \setcounter{svmultlsti}{0}\let\svmultitem\item% \renewcommand{\item}{% \ifthenelse{\value{svmultlsti} = 0}{}{\and}% \stepcounter{svmultlsti}}% \setcounter{svmultlsti}{0}\begin{thecontriblist}}{% \end{thecontriblist}\let\item\svmultitem% \setcounter{svmultlsti}{0}} EndPreamble Requires ifthen End Style Problem ObsoletedBy Problem_(theorem-like) End Style Solution ObsoletedBy Solution_(theorem-like) End InsetLayout Flex:Inst Decoration Classic LabelString "Institute # [deprecated]" LatexType Command LatexName inst LyxType custom Font Size Small Color Red EndFont End InsetLayout Flex:at_Address CopyStyle Flex:and LatexName at LabelString "at address" End Style Part Category "For editors" End Style PartBacktext Category "For editors" End Style Chapter Category "For editors" End Style ChapAuthor Category "For editors" End Style ChapSubtitle Category "For editors" End Style extrachap Category "For editors" End Style Extrachap Category "For editors" End Style Dedication Category "For editors" End Style Foreword Category "For editors" End Style Preface Category "For editors" End Style Acknowledgement Category "For editors" End Style Contributors Category "For editors" End Style Motto CopyStyle ChapMotto Category "FrontMatter" End NoStyle ChapMotto Style Abstract Category "FrontMatter" End Style Abstract* Category "FrontMatter" End Style Keywords Category "FrontMatter" End