#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[svmono,footmisc.sty,multicol.sty,natbib.sty,type1cm.sty]{book (Springer svmono)} # Author: Koji Yokota # adapted: Marcus Kriele and Uwe Stöhr (April 2011) # # Supports: SVMONO DOCUMENT CLASS -- version 5.5 (17-Dec-09) # Class and style files and templates are found at: # http://wiki.lyx.org/Examples/Springer # Format 35 Input svcommon.inc ClassOptions FontSize 10 End NoStyle Acknowledgements #NoStyle Acknowledgement NoStyle Institute Style Abstract LatexType Command End Style Running_Chapter CopyStyle Running_Title Category Section InTitle 0 LatexName chaptermark LeftMargin "Running Chapter:xxx" LabelString "Running Chapter:" End Style Problem ObsoletedBy Prob End Style Solution ObsoletedBy Sol End InsetLayout Flex:at_Address CopyStyle Flex:and LatexName at LabelString "at address" End Counter theorem Within chapter End Counter definition Within chapter End Counter remark Within chapter End Counter corollary Within chapter End Counter lemma Within chapter End Counter proposition Within chapter End Counter claim Within chapter End Counter conjecture Within chapter End Counter question Within chapter End Counter example Within chapter End Counter exercise Within chapter End Counter case Within chapter End Counter property Within chapter End Counter note Within chapter End Style Claim LabelString "Claim." End Style Proof LabelString "Proof." End Style Proof(QED) LabelString "Proof." End Style Proof(smartQED) LabelString "Proof." End NoStyle TOC_Title NoStyle TOC_Author NoStyle Running_Title NoStyle Running_Author