# svcommon (article) textclass definition file for inclusion. # for Springer Verlag publications # based on sjour.inc: # -------- # Taken from initial LyX source code # Author : Matthias Ettrich # Transposed by Pascal André # Heavily modified and enhanced by serveral developers. # -------- # ejour2 made originally by Martin Vermeer based on article.layout. # Modified for LyX 1.2 by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes and MV. # Minor change for LyX 1.3.3 by Cengiz Gunay. # # Adapted for new svjour LaTeX2e classes published by Springer in 1999; # work done by MV in 2000. # # Adapted for svmono, svmult, 2009/2007 # by Marcus Kriele (mkriele@mac.com) # see http://www.springer.com/authors for class files and further instructions Format 35 Columns 2 Sides 1 PageStyle Plain Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Input stdinsets.inc Input stdsections.inc Input stdstarsections.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdfloats.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdtitle.inc Input numreport.inc NoStyle Subparagraph NoCounter subparagraph NoStyle Subparagraph* Style Title Align Left AlignPossible Block, Center, Left, Right, Center Font Family Sans Series Bold EndFont End Style Front_Matter Category Structure LatexType Command LatexName frontmatter KeepEmpty 1 OptionalArgs 0 Margin First_Dynamic NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0 TopSep 2.5 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 0 Align Center LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0 LeftMargin M LabelString "--- Front Matter ---" Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Largest Color Blue EndFont End Style Main_Matter CopyStyle Front_Matter Category Structure LatexName mainmatter LabelString "--- Main Matter ---" End Style Back_Matter CopyStyle Front_Matter Category Structure LatexName backmatter LabelString "--- Back Matter ---" End Style Part Margin Static Align Right End ## The following is a variant of style Part. It allows to place some ## text on the following page which would otherwise be blank. Style PartBacktext Category Section Margin First_Dynamic LabelString "Part \thepart" LabelType Counter TocLevel 0 LabelCounter part Labelsep xx NeedProtect 1 ParIndent MM TopSep 4 BottomSep 4 LaTexType Environment LatexName svmultpartbacktext LabelFont Series Bold Size Huge EndLabelFont TextFont Series Medium Shape Up Size normal EndTextFont RequiredArgs 1 Preamble \newenvironment{svmultpartbacktext}[1]{\begin{partbacktext} \part{#1}}{\end{partbacktext}} EndPreamble HTMLTag h1 End Style Chapter Align Left End Style ChapSubtitle LatexName chapsubtitle LatexType Command Category Section TopSep 0.7 Font Series Bold Shape Up Size large EndFont End Style ChapAuthor LatexName chapauthor LatexType Command Category Section TopSep 0.7 Font Series Bold Shape Up Size normal EndFont End Style ChapMotto LatexName motto LatexType Command Category Section TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 Align Left LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMM Font Series Medium Shape Italic Size normal EndFont End Style Section Font Series Bold Shape Up Size large EndFont TocLevel 1 End Style Subsection Font Series Bold Shape Italic Size large EndFont TocLevel 2 End Style Subsubsection Font Series Bold Shape Up Size Normal EndFont TocLevel 3 End Style Paragraph Font Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal EndFont TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.4 TocLevel 4 End Style Part* Margin Static Align Right End Style Chapter* Align Left End Style Section* Font Series Bold Shape Up Size large EndFont End Style Subsection* Font Series Bold Shape Italic Size large EndFont End Style Subsubsection* Font Series Bold Shape Up Size Normal EndFont End Style Paragraph* Font Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal EndFont TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.4 End Style Run-in_headings Category Unnumbered LabelType No_Label LabelSep xx TopSep 0.7 Font Series Bold Shape Up Size Normal EndFont Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName runinhead End Style Sub-run-in_headings CopyStyle Run-in_headings Font Series Medium Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont LatexName subruninhead End Style Extrachap CopyStyle Chapter* LatexName Extrachap End Style extrachap CopyStyle Chapter* LatexName extrachap End Style Title Align Left AlignPossible Block, Center, Left, Right, Center Font Family Sans Series Bold EndFont End Style Subtitle CopyStyle Title LatexName subtitle NextNoIndent 1 BottomSep 0 ParSep 0 Font Size Large EndFont End Style Author NextNoIndent 1 Align Left Font Series Bold Shape Italic EndFont End Style Institute Category FrontMatter LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName institute Margin Static LeftMargin "Author data:xxx" LabelSep xxx LabelType Static LabelString "Author data: " LabelFont Shape Italic EndFont Requires url Align Left End Style Date Align Left Font Size Small EndFont End Style TOC_Title Category FrontMatter Margin First_Dynamic Align Left LatexType Command LatexName toctitle LeftMargin "TOC title:xxx" TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 LabelType Static LabelSep xxx LabelString "TOC Title:" LabelFont Family Typewriter Color Blue EndFont End Style TOC_Author CopyStyle TOC_Title LatexName tocauthor LeftMargin "TOC Author:xxx" LabelString "TOC Author:" End Style Running_Title CopyStyle TOC_Title LatexName titlerunning LeftMargin "Running Title:xxx" LabelString "Running Title:" End Style Running_LaTeX_Title ObsoletedBy Running_Title End Style Running_Author CopyStyle Running_Title LatexName authorrunning LeftMargin "Running Author:xxx" LabelString "Running Author:" End Style Author_Running ObsoletedBy Running_Author End Style Abstract Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName abstract LabelType Static LabelString "Abstract." LabelFont Series Bold EndFont NextNoIndent 0 ParIndent MM LabelSep xx ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left End Style Abstract* CopyStyle Abstract LatexName abstract* LabelString "Abstract* (not printed)." LabelFont Color Blue EndFont TextFont Color Blue EndFont End Style Keywords Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName keywords NextNoIndent 0 ParIndent MM LabelSep xx ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString "Keywords" LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Style Dedication Category FrontMatter Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName dedication LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMM TopSep 2 ParIndent MM Parsep 0 BottomSep 2 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "" LabelIndent "" Font Shape Italic Size large EndFont End Style Foreword Margin First_Dynamic Category Unnumbered LabelType Static LabelString "Foreword" KeepEmpty 1 LatexName foreword TocLevel 0 LatexType Command NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 4 BottomSep 0.8 ParSep 0.8 Align Block OptionalArgs 1 Font Series Bold Size Huge EndFont HTMLTag h1 End # Future implementation of the Style "Preface" (not fully backward compatible) # # Style Preface # CopyStyle Foreword # LabelString "Preface" # LatexName preface # End # Current implementation of the Style Preface for backwards compatibility Style Preface CopyStyle Title Category "For editors" LatexName svmultpreface KeepEmpty 1 OptionalArgs 0 InTitle 0 Margin Static LeftMargin "PPrreeffaaccee:xxx" TopSep 4 BottomSep 0.8 LabelType Static LabelString "Preface:" LabelSep xxx Align Left Preamble \newcommand{\svmultpreface}[1]{\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}{\preface}{\preface[#1]}} EndPreamble Requires ifthen End Style Acknowledgement Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName acknowledgement NextNoIndent 0 ParIndent MM LabelSep xx ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString "Acknowledgements." Font Size Small EndFont LabelFont Series Bold Shape Up Size Small EndFont End Style Acknowledgements CopyStyle Acknowledgement LatexName acknowledgements End Style Bibliography Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Bib_Environment LatexName thebibliography Category BackMatter NextNoIndent 1 LeftMargin MM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Bibliography LabelString "References" LabelBottomSep 0.7 LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Style Description LabelFont Series Medium EndFont End Style Petit CopyStyle Standard Category MainText LatexType Environment LatexName petit TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 Font Size Small EndFont End Style Svgraybox Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName svgraybox RightMargin MMM TopSep 0.5 ParIndent MM Parsep 0 BottomSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label Font Family Sans EndFont End Style Case LatexType Environment Margin First_Dynamic LatexName case LabelString "Case #." Category MainText NextNoIndent 1 ParIndent MM LabelSep xx ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.5 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 0 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelFont Shape Italic EndFont RefPrefix cas End Style Claim CopyStyle Case LabelString "Claim." LatexName claim End Style Conjecture CopyStyle Claim LatexName conjecture LabelString "Conjecture #." RefPrefix con End Style Corollary CopyStyle Claim LatexName corollary LabelString "Corollary #." Font Shape Italic EndFont LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold EndFont End Style Definition CopyStyle Claim LatexName definition LabelString "Definition #." LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold EndFont RefPrefix def End Style Example CopyStyle Claim LatexName example LabelString "Example #." RefPrefix exa End Style Lemma CopyStyle Corollary LatexName lemma LabelString "Lemma #." End Style Note CopyStyle Claim LatexName note LabelString "Note #." RefPrefix note End Style Proof CopyStyle Claim LatexName proof LabelString "Proof." End Style Proof(QED) CopyStyle Proof LatexName svmultproof EndLabelType Box Preamble \newenvironment{svmultproof}{\begin{proof}}{\qed\end{proof}} EndPreamble End Style Proof(smartQED) CopyStyle Proof LatexName svmultproof2 EndLabelType Filled_Box Preamble \newenvironment{svmultproof2}{\begin{proof}}{\smartqed\qed\end{proof}} EndPreamble End Style Property CopyStyle Claim LatexName property LabelString "Property #." End Style Proposition CopyStyle Corollary LatexName proposition LabelString "Proposition #." End Style Question CopyStyle Claim LatexName question LabelString "Question #." RefPrefix que End Style Remark CopyStyle Claim LatexName remark LabelString "Remark #." RefPrefix rem End Style Theorem CopyStyle Corollary LatexName theorem LabelString "Theorem #." End Style Exercise CopyStyle Definition Category Exercise LatexName exercise LabelString "Exercise #." RefPrefix exerc End Style Prob CopyStyle Claim Category Exercise LatexName prob LabelString "#" LabelFont Series Bold Shape Up EndFont RefPrefix prob End # Current implementation of the Style Preface for backwards compatibility # In future versions the directive "Reqyired Args 1" should be uncommented # so that a required argument is used rather than ERT. Style Sol CopyStyle Prob LatexName sol LabelString "#={label}" # RequiredArgs 1 NextNoIndent 0 RefPrefix sol End Style Problem_(theorem-like) CopyStyle Claim LabelFont Series Bold Shape Up EndFont Category Exercise LatexName problem LabelString "Problem #." RefPrefix prob End Style Solution_(theorem-like) CopyStyle Problem_(theorem-like) LatexName solution LabelString "Solution #." RefPrefix sol OptionalArgs 1 End Style Description OptionalArgs 1 End InsetLayout Flex:Email Decoration Conglomerate LyxType custom LatexType command LatexName email LabelString "Email" Font Color foreground Size Small Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color urltext Size Small EndFont End InsetLayout Flex:and ContentAsLabel 1 CustomPars 0 Decoration Classic LatexName and LatexType Command LabelString "and" LyxType Custom KeepEmpty 1 End # InsetLayout Flex:and # CopyStyle Flex:Email # LatexName and # LabelString "and" # Font # EndFont # KeepEmpty 1 # End Input theorems-refprefix.inc