# Textclass definition file for LaTeX. # Author : Martin vermeer # Inset layouts definition # #InsetLayout # LabelString used for the inset decoration (either the inset button # or the text underneath the inset). # LatexType FIXME # LatexName associated LateX command. # BgColor Color of the inset background within LyX. # FIXME: link to a doc file describing the different # color codes as defined in 'ColorCode.h' # Font Nothing to put here, below are descriptions of the different # allowable adjustments for the font used to draw the text # appearing within the inset text. All these items are optional. # Color Color of # Size Font size of the textallowed value: Small, Smaller, ... # FIXME defined in FontSize in FontEnums.h # Family FIXME defined in FontFamily in FontEnums.h # Shape FIXME defined in FontFamily in FontEnums.h # Series FIXME defined in FontFamily in FontEnums.h # Misc FIXME defined in FontFamily in FontEnums.h # Misc FIXME defined in FontFamily in FontEnums.h # Misc FIXME defined in FontFamily in FontEnums.h # EndFont Nothing to put here, it's just a markup to indicate that we are # finished with the Font definition. # LabelFont Nothing to put here, below are descriptions of the different # allowable adjustments for the font used to draw the text # appearing within the inset decoration. All these items are # optional. # Color see definition above (in the Font node). # Size see definition above (in the Font node). # ... # EndFont Nothing to put here, it's just a markup to indicate that we are # finished with the LabelFont definition. # MultiPar Indicates that multiple paragraphs are allowed within the inset # or not. FIXME: what is the default? #End Format 5 InsetLayout Marginal LabelString margin LatexType command LatexName marginpar Font Color foreground Size Small Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color Red Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout Foot LabelString foot LatexType command LatexName footnote Font Color foreground Size Small Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color Green Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout Note:Comment LabelString comment LatexType environment LatexName comment BgColor commentbg LabelFont Color comment Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout Note:Note LabelString note LatexType command LatexName note BgColor notebg LabelFont Color note Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout Note:Greyedout LabelString greyedout LatexType environment LatexName lyxgreyedout BgColor greyedoutbg LabelFont Color greyedout Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout ERT LabelString ERT LatexType none Decoration minimalistic Font Color latex Family typewriter EndFont LabelFont Color latex Size Small EndFont MultiPar true PassThru true KeepEmpty true FreeSpacing true ForceLTR true End InsetLayout Listings LabelString Listings LatexType none Decoration minimalistic Font Color foreground Family typewriter EndFont LabelFont Color foreground Size Small EndFont MultiPar true PassThru true KeepEmpty true FreeSpacing true End InsetLayout Branch Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Color Red Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout Index LabelString Idx LatexType command LatexName index Decoration minimalistic Font Color Green Size Small Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color Green Size Small EndFont MultiPar false NeedProtect true End InsetLayout Box LabelFont Color foreground Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout Box:Shaded BgColor shaded LabelFont Color foreground Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout figure LabelString Figure LabelFont Color collapsable Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout table LabelString Table LabelFont Color collapsable Size Small EndFont MultiPar true End InsetLayout URL LyXType standard LatexName url LatexType command Decoration minimalistic LabelString URL PassThru true ForceLTR true Font Family Typewriter Color Blue EndFont LabelFont Family Typewriter Color Blue Size Small EndFont Preamble \usepackage{url} EndPreamble End InsetLayout OptArg LabelString opt LabelFont Color collapsable Size Small EndFont MultiPar false End