# Standard formats for bibliography entries. # # This defines how LyX displays bibliographic information in the GUI # as well as in text/xhtml output. The format of citation references # is defined in the *.citeengines files, which might override the # default formatting defined here. # # This file is included by the citation engines, so there is no need # to include it in individual classes. # # Author: Richard Heck # Jürgen Spitzmüller Format 66 CiteFormat default # # Translatable bits # _pptext pp. _edtext ed. _edstext eds. _voltext vol. _numtext no. _in in # The following are handled by BiblioInfo. Note that preceding and trailing spaces matter _namesep , [[separate author names in citation, except for last name]] _lastnamesep , and [[separate name of last author in citation]] _pairnamesep and [[separate two authors in citation]] # # Macros # # Scheme of the first author in the bibliography !firstnameform {%prefix%[[%prefix% ]]}%surname%{%suffix%[[, %suffix%]]}{%prename%[[, %prename%]]} # Scheme of other authors in the bibliography !othernameform {%prefix%[[%prefix% ]]}%surname%{%suffix%[[, %suffix%]]}{%prename%[[, %prename%]]} # Scheme of the first name in later parts (such as book editor) !firstbynameform %prename% {%prefix%[[%prefix% ]]}%surname%{%suffix%[[, %suffix%]]} # Scheme of other authors in later parts (such as book editor) !otherbynameform %prename% {%prefix%[[%prefix% ]]}%surname%{%suffix%[[, %suffix%]]} # Scheme of authors in citation references !citenameform {%prefix%[[%prefix% ]]}%surname% # pagination !pages {%pages%[[, %_pptext% %pages%]]} # ed. or eds. !makeed {%ifmultiple:editor%[[%_edstext%]][[%_edtext%]]} # author or editor, as fullnames, following the schemes above !authoredit {%fullnames:author%[[%fullnames:author%, ]][[{%fullnames:editor%[[%fullnames:editor%, %!makeed%, ]]}]]} # "vol. 1, no. !volnum {%volume%[[ %_voltext% %volume%, {%number%[[%_numtext% %number%]]}]]} !quotetitle "%title%" !emphtitle {!!}%title%{!!} !emphjournal {!!}{%journal%[[%journal%]][[{%journaltitle%[[%journaltitle%]]}]]}{!!} !location {%address%[[%address%: ]][[{%location%[[%location%: ]]}]]} # # Entry types. Note that final punctuation will be added later, if needed. # !insomething %fullnames:author%, %!quotetitle%, %_in%{%fullbynames:editor%[[ %fullbynames:editor%, %!makeed%,]]} {!!}%booktitle%{!!}%!volnum%{%edition%[[ %edition%]]} (%!location%%publisher%, %year%)%!pages%{%note%[[. %note%]]} article %fullnames:author%, %!quotetitle%, %!emphjournal% {%volume%[[ %volume%{%number%[[, %number%]]}]]} (%year%)%!pages%{%note%[[. %note%]]} !booklike %!authoredit%%!emphtitle%%!volnum%{%edition%[[ %edition%]]} (%!location%%publisher%, %year%){%note%[[. %note%]]} book %!booklike% collection %!booklike% proceedings %!booklike% incollection %!insomething% inproceedings %!insomething% !theses %fullnames:author%, %title% (%!location%{%school%[[%school%]][[%institution%]]}, %year%){%note%[[. %note%]]} thesis %!theses% phdthesis %!theses% mastersthesis %!theses% End