#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{Slides} # \DeclareCategory{Presentations} # Slides textclass definition file. # Author : John Weiss # # Based on the Article textclass "article.layout" # Format 97 Columns 1 Sides 1 PageStyle Plain DefaultFont Family Sans Series Medium Shape Up Size Largest Color None EndFont ClassOptions FontSize | Pagestyle plain|headings|empty Other "dvips" End Preamble \newcounter{slidetype} \setcounter{slidetype}{0} \newif\ifLyXsNoCenter \LyXsNoCenterfalse \newcommand{\noslidecentering}{ \LyXsNoCentertrue% } \newcommand{\slidecentering}{ \LyXsNoCenterfalse% } \newcommand{\lyxendslide}[1]{ \ifLyXsNoCenter% \vfill% \fi% \ifcase \value{slidetype}% \or % no action for 0 \end{slide} \or% \end{overlay} \or% \end{note}% \fi% \setcounter{slidetype}{0} \visible } \AtEndDocument{\lyxendslide{.}} EndPreamble Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent M ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label DocBookTag para End # Note that the "Section" family of environments is missing, as is # "Title" "Bibliograpy" "LaTeX-Title" "Author" "Abstract" and "Date". # I may choose to reintroduce these and/or remove others at a later # date. # -jw 10/2/96 Input stdinsets.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input lyxmacros.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdfloats.inc NoStyle Address NoStyle Right_Address Style Slide TocLevel 1 LatexType Command LatexName lyxnewslide KeepEmpty 1 Margin Static NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.0 BottomSep 1.0 ParSep 0.5 Align Left LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0.5 LabelSep xx LeftMargin "New Slide:xx" LabelString "New Slide:" Font Family Typewriter Series Bold Size Large Color textlabel1 EndFont LabelFont Family Typewriter Size Large Color textlabel1 EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lyxnewslide}[1]{ \lyxendslide{.} \setcounter{slidetype}{1} \begin{slide} } EndPreamble End Style Overlay LatexType Command LatexName lyxnewoverlay KeepEmpty 1 Margin Static NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.0 BottomSep 1.0 ParSep 0.5 Align Left LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0.5 LabelSep xx LeftMargin "New Overlay:xx" LabelString "New Overlay:" Font Family Typewriter Series Bold Size Large Shape SmallCaps Color textlabel3 EndFont LabelFont Family Typewriter Series Bold Size Large Shape SmallCaps Color textlabel3 EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lyxnewoverlay}[1]{ \lyxendslide{.} \setcounter{slidetype}{2} \begin{overlay} } EndPreamble End Style Note LatexType Command LatexName lyxnewnote KeepEmpty 1 Margin Static NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.0 BottomSep 1.0 ParSep 0.5 Align Left LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0.5 LabelSep xx LeftMargin "New Note:xx" LabelString "New Note:" Font Family Typewriter Series Bold Size Large Shape Italic Color textlabel3 EndFont LabelFont Family Typewriter Series Bold Size Large Shape Italic Color textlabel3 EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lyxnewnote}[1]{ \lyxendslide{.} \setcounter{slidetype}{3} \begin{note} } EndPreamble End Style InvisibleText LatexType Command LatexName lyxinvisible KeepEmpty 1 Margin Static Align Center LabelType Static LabelString "" Font Family Roman Size Normal Color greyedouttext EndFont LabelFont Family Roman Size Normal Color greyedouttext EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lyxinvisible}[1]{\invisible} EndPreamble End Style VisibleText LatexType Command LatexName lyxvisible KeepEmpty 1 Margin Static Align Center LabelType Static LabelString "" Font Family Roman Size Normal Color textlabel2 EndFont LabelFont Family Roman Size Normal Color textlabel2 EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lyxvisible}[1]{\visible} EndPreamble End