#\DeclareLyXModule[shapepar.sty]{Custom paragraph shapes} #DescriptionBegin #Provides several paragraph shapes as well as commands to define custom #shapes. For a description see LyX's Additional #features manual, section "Non-standard Paragraph Shapes". #DescriptionEnd #Author: Uwe Stöhr Format 43 AddToPreamble % used for custom paragraph shapes \usepackage{shapepar} \IfFileExists{candleshape.def}{% \input{candleshape.def}}{} \IfFileExists{dropshape.def}{% \input{dropshape.def}}{} \IfFileExists{TeXshape.def}{% \input{TeXshape.def}}{} \IfFileExists{triangleshapes.def}{% \input{triangleshapes.def}}{} EndPreamble # first the standard shapes Style "CD label" LatexType command LatexName CDlabel Category ShapedParagraphs NextNoIndent 1 Margin Static ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelType No_Label End Style "Circle" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName circlepar End Style "Diamond" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName diamondpar End Style "Heart" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName heartpar End Style "Hexagon" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName hexagonpar End Style "Nut" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName nutpar End Style "Square" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName squarepar End Style "Star" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName starpar End # now the shapes defined in the .def files Style "Candle" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName shapepar{\candle} End Style "Drop down" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName droppar End Style "Drop up" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName dropuppar End Style "TeX" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName shapepar{\TeXshape} End Style "Triangle up" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName triangleuppar End Style "Triangle down" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName triangledownpar End Style "Triangle left" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName triangleleftpar End Style "Triangle right" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName trianglerightpar End # finally the low-level commands Style "shapepar" CopyStyle "CD label" LatexName shapepar Argument 1 Mandatory 0 LabelString "Scale" Tooltip "For scaling the to positions on the page" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Shape specification" Tooltip "Specification of the shape" EndArgument End Style "Shapepar" CopyStyle "shapepar" LatexName Shapepar End