#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{KOMA-Script Letter (V. 2)} # \DeclareCategory{Letters} # KOMA scrlettr2 textclass definition file. # Juergen Spitzmueller , 2003/2/17. # Uwe Stöhr , 2008/2/03. Format 76 Provides subscript 1 Style Standard Category MainText LatexName dummy ParSep 0.4 AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center ParIndent MM End Input stdlists.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdinsets.inc Style Description LabelFont Family Sans EndFont End Style Labeling CopyStyle List LatexName labeling # overwrite the preamble code definition Preamble EndPreamble End Style List Obsoletedby Labeling End Preamble \newif\ifletterclosed EndPreamble Style Address LatexType Command LatexName begin LatexParam {letter} Preamble \AtEndDocument{\ifletterclosed\else\end{letter}\fi} EndPreamble KeepEmpty 1 LeftMargin xxxxxxxxxxxx::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "Address:" LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Size Small Color Blue EndFont End # Start new letter Style NextAddress LatexType Command LatexName end{letter}\begin{letter} KeepEmpty 1 LeftMargin xxxxxxxxxxxx::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 1.5 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "Next Address:" LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Size Small Color Blue EndFont End Style Opening Category Letter LatexType Command LatexName opening KeepEmpty 0 LeftMargin xxxxxxxxxxxx::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "Opening:" LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Magenta EndFont End Style Closing CopyStyle Opening LatexType Command LatexName closing LabelString "Closing:" End Style PS CopyStyle Opening LatexType Command LatexName ps LabelString "Post Scriptum:" End Style CC CopyStyle Opening LatexType Command LatexName cc LabelString "cc:" End Style Encl CopyStyle Opening LatexName encl LabelString "encl:" End Style Name Category Letter LatexType Command LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromname} KeepEmpty 1 LeftMargin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx::xx LabelSep xx TopSep 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "Sender Name:" LabelFont Series Bold Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont End Style Signature CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {signature} LabelString "Signature:" End Style SenderAddress CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromaddress} LabelString "Sender Address:" End Style Telephone CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromphone} LabelString "Sender Phone:" End Style Fax CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromfax} LabelString "Sender Fax:" End Style E-Mail CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromemail} LabelString "Sender E-Mail:" End Style URL CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromurl} LabelString "Sender URL:" End Style Bank CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {frombank} LabelString "Bank:" End Style Logo CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {fromlogo} LabelString "Logo:" End Style Place CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {place} LabelString "Place:" End Style Date CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {date} LabelString "Date:" End Style Backaddress CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {backaddress} LabelString "Backaddress:" End Style Specialmail CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {specialmail} LabelString "Specialmail:" End Style Location CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {location} LabelString "Location:" End Style Title CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {title} LabelString "Title:" HTMLTitle true End Style Subject CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {subject} LabelString "Subject:" End Style Yourref CopyStyle Name LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {yourref} LabelString "Your ref.:" LabelFont Family Sans Series Medium Shape Up Size Small Color None EndFont End Style Yourmail CopyStyle Yourref LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {yourmail} LabelString "Your letter of:" End Style Myref CopyStyle Yourref LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {myref} LabelString "Our ref.:" End Style Customer CopyStyle Yourref LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {customer} LabelString "Customer no.:" End Style Invoice CopyStyle Yourref LatexName setkomavar LatexParam {invoice} LabelString "Invoice no.:" End Style EndLetter Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName end{letter} Preamble \letterclosedtrue EndPreamble KeepEmpty 1 TopSep 1 ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "End of letter" LabelFont Series Bold Color Green EndFont End