# KOMA script textclass definition file. # Base definitions for the KOMA script layouts. # Bernd Rellermeyer <100.41728@germanynet.de>, 1998/7/23. # Update for Koma Script Release >=2.8q # Juergen Spitzmueller , 2003/2/08. # Mapped List to Labeling # Guenter Milde , 2009-02-02 # Labeling is now used also in non-KOMA classes Format 96 SecNumDepth 2 TocDepth 2 DefaultStyle Standard PageSize a4 Provides subscript 1 ClassOptions FontSize 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20 FontSizeFormat fontsize=$$s PageSize a0|a1|a2|a3|a4|a5|a6|b0|b1|b2|b3|b4|b5|b6|c0|c1|c2|c3|c4|c5|c6|executive|legal|letter PageSizeFormat paper=$$s End Style Standard Category MainText LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center # FIXME This ought to be set dynamically. HTMLStyle div.standard { text-indent: 2em; margin-bottom: 2ex; } EndHTMLStyle DocBookTag para End Input stdinsets.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdfloats.inc # Adapt enumii counter display to KOMA default Counter enumii GuiName "Numbered List (Level 2)" Within enumi LabelString "\alph{enumii})" End Style Description LabelFont Family Sans EndFont End Style Labeling Category List LatexName labeling # overwrite the preamble code definition Preamble EndPreamble DocBookTag variablelist DocBookItemWrapperTag varlistentry DocBookItemTag listitem DocBookItemInnerTag para DocBookItemLabelTag term DocBookItemLabelTagType paragraph End Input stdsections.inc Style Part Font Family Sans EndFont End Style Chapter LabelType Static LabelSep xxx Margin Dynamic Align Left Font Family Sans Size Largest EndFont End Style Section Align Left Font Family Sans EndFont End Style Subsection Align Left Font Family Sans EndFont End Style Subsubsection Align Left Font Family Sans EndFont End Style Paragraph Align Left Font Family Sans EndFont End Style Subparagraph Align Left LeftMargin "" Font Family Sans EndFont End Input stdstarsections.inc Style Addpart CopyStyle Part* LatexName addpart Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The part as it appears in the table of contents/running headers" InsertCotext 1 DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookArgumentAfterMainTag true EndArgument End Style Addchap CopyStyle Chapter* LatexName addchap Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The chapter as it appears in the table of contents/running headers" InsertCotext 1 DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookArgumentAfterMainTag true EndArgument End Style Addsec CopyStyle Section* LatexName addsec Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The section as it appears in the table of contents/running headers" InsertCotext 1 DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookArgumentAfterMainTag true EndArgument End Style Addchap* CopyStyle Chapter* LatexName addchap* End Style Addsec* CopyStyle Section* LatexName addsec* End Style Minisec Category Sectioning LatexType Command LatexName minisec NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.4 ParSep 0.4 AlignPossible Block, Left Font Family Sans Series Bold EndFont End Input stdtitle.inc Style Title Font Family Sans Series Bold EndFont DocBookTag title DocBookInInfo maybe End Style Subtitle CopyStyle Title LatexName subtitle Font Size Large EndFont DocBookTag subtitle DocBookInInfo maybe End Style Author Font Size Larger EndFont DocBookTag personname DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookWrapperTag author DocBookWrapperTagType inline DocBookInInfo always End Style Date Font Size Larger EndFont DocBookTag date DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo always DocBookNoFontInside true End Style Subject CopyStyle Author LatexName subject End Style Publishers CopyStyle Author LatexName publishers End Style Dedication CopyStyle Author LatexName dedication End Style Titlehead CopyStyle Author LatexName titlehead Align Left Font Size Normal EndFont End Style Uppertitleback CopyStyle Titlehead LatexName uppertitleback End Style Lowertitleback CopyStyle Titlehead LatexName lowertitleback End Style Extratitle CopyStyle Titlehead LatexName extratitle End Style Frontispiece CopyStyle Titlehead LatexName frontispiece End Input stdstruct.inc Style Abstract LabelType No_Label End Style Bibliography LabelFont Family Sans EndFont End Input stdlayouts.inc InsetLayout Caption:Above LabelString above LaTeXType command LatexName captionabove NeedProtect 1 MultiPar false Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The caption as it appears in the list of figures/tables" InsertCotext 1 DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookArgumentAfterMainTag true EndArgument HTMLStyle div.float-caption { text-align: center; border: 2px solid black; padding: 1ex; margin: 1ex; } EndHTMLStyle HTMLClass "float-caption float-caption-above" End InsetLayout Caption:Below LabelString below LaTeXType command LatexName captionbelow NeedProtect 1 MultiPar false Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The caption as it appears in the list of figures/tables" InsertCotext 1 DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookArgumentAfterMainTag true EndArgument HTMLStyle div.float-caption { text-align: center; border: 2px solid black; padding: 1ex; margin: 1ex; } EndHTMLStyle HTMLClass "float-caption float-caption-below" End Style Dictum Category MainText Margin Right_Address_Box LatexType Command LatexName dictum ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left Argument 1 LabelString "Dictum Author" Tooltip "The author of this dictum" EndArgument Font Size Normal EndFont End Input lyxmacros.inc