#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (REVTeX 4)} # RevTeX 4 textclass definition file. Based on: # AMS-Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code # and from the Article textclass definition file, following the AMS sample # paper "testmath.tex" of January, 1995 # Author : David L. Johnson (AMS) # Marc Mengel (RevTeX) # Amir Karger (LyX v11.34 style modifications) # Amir Karger (RevTeX 4 beta) 9/1999, 7/2000 Format 9 Columns 1 Sides 1 PageStyle Headers Provides natbib-internal 1 Provides url 1 # Default textclass options. The user may need to modify this. ClassOptions Other "aps,manuscript" End Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End # Idea from aapaper: declare all layouts here ("Style Foo\nEnd\n") # so that they appear in a specific order in the layout dropdown menu. Input stdinsets.inc Input stdsections.inc Input numrevtex.inc Style Section Align Center AlignPossible Block, Center, Left Font Series Medium Shape Smallcaps Size Large EndFont End Style Subsection Font Series Bold Size Normal EndFont End Style Subsubsection Font Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont End Style Paragraph TopSep 0.7 ParSep 0.4 Font Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont End # then define the unumbered sections, based on the numbered ones. Input stdstarsections.inc NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Chapter* NoStyle Subparagraph NoStyle Subparagraph* Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdtitle.inc Input stdstruct.inc Style Preprint Margin Right_Address_Box LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName preprint ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left End Style Title Font Series Bold Size Large EndFont End Style Author Font Size Large Shape Smallcaps EndFont End Style Date LabelType Static LabelString "Date:" LabelFont Shape Italic Size Large EndFont End Style Affiliation Margin Dynamic LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName affiliation ParSkip 0.4 # BottomSep 1.5 # ParSep 1.5 Align Center AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType Static LabelSep M LabelString "Affiliation:" LabelFont Shape Italic EndFont End Style AltAffiliation CopyStyle Affiliation PassThru 1 LatexName altaffiliation OptionalArgs 1 LabelString "AltAffiliation" End # Address is exactly the same as Affiliation. We just put this in so # that tex2lyx will know what to do with it. Style Address CopyStyle Affiliation LatexName address LabelString "Address:" End Style Thanks CopyStyle Affiliation LatexName thanks LabelString "Thanks:" End Style Author_Email CopyStyle Affiliation PassThru 1 LatexName email OptionalArgs 1 LabelString "Electronic Address:" TextFont Family Typewriter EndFont LabelFont Family Roman EndFont End Style Author_URL CopyStyle Author_Email PassThru 1 LatexName homepage OptionalArgs 1 LabelString "URL:" End Style Abstract InTitle 1 ItemSep 0.2 ParSep 0.3 LabelFont Size Large EndFont End Style Acknowledgments LatexType Environment LatexName acknowledgments ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType Centered_Top_Environment LabelString "acknowledgments" LabelBottomSep 0.5 LabelFont Series Medium Shape Smallcaps Size Large EndFont End Style PACS Margin Dynamic LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName pacs LabelType Static LabelSep M LabelString "PACS number:" End Style Keywords CopyStyle PACS InTitle 1 Latexname keywords LabelSep M LabelString "Keywords:" End Input stdfloats.inc Input stdcounters.inc