#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[revtex4-1,natbib.sty,revsymb4-1.sty,textcase.sty,url.sty]{REVTeX (V. 4.1)} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # REVTeX 4.1 textclass definition file. # Based on official article.layout, revtex4.layout and stdclass.inc definition files, # and on the unofficial revtex4-1.layout by Manoj Rajagopalan, posted to the wiki. # # Author: Julien Rioux and Uwe Stöhr # # This layout is according to # https://journals.aps.org/files/revtex/auguide4-1.pdf # a note: # - we provide natbib-internal according to LyX bug #5182 # todo: # - add support for \onlinecite{} Format 97 Input revtex4-x.inc