#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[powerdot,enumitem.sty,hyperref.sty,pstricks.sty,pst-grad.sty,verbatim.sty,xcolor.sty,xkeyval.sty]{Powerdot} # \DeclareCategory{Presentations} # PowerDot textclass definition file. # Created: 29-Aug-05 by Mael Hilléreau # Modified: 20-May-06 by Uwe Stöhr, 18-Mar-2013 Jürgen Spitzmüller Format 85 Input stdcounters.inc Input stdinsets.inc Input stdfloats.inc ### # General textclass parameters ### Columns 1 Sides 1 Provides url 1 Provides hyperref 1 Provides geometry 1 DefaultStyle Standard ExcludesModule enumitem DefaultFont Family Sans Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal Color None EndFont ### # General textclass parameters ### ClassOptions FontSize size=8|size=9|size=10|size=11|size=12|size=14|size=17|size=20 PageStyle "" End ### # Title style definition ### Style Title Category TitleSlide Margin Static LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName title ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0 BottomSep 1 ParSep 1 Align Center LabelType No_Label Font Series Bold Size Largest Color Blue EndFont HTMLTitle true End ### # Author style definition ### Style Author Category TitleSlide Margin Static LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName author LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Center LabelType No_Label Font Size Large Color Blue EndFont End ### # Date style definition ### Style Date Category TitleSlide Margin Dynamic LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName date LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.9 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 1 Align Center LabelType No_Label Font Size Large Color Blue EndFont End ### # Standard style definition ### Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label DocBookTag para End ### # Slide styles definition ### Style Slide Category Slides TocLevel 3 Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName lyxend\lyxslide LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Center LabelType Static LabelCounter subsection LabelString "" Argument 1 LabelString "Slide Option" Tooltip "Optional arguments to the slide command (see powerdot manual)" EndArgument Font Series Bold Size Large Color Magenta EndFont End Style EndSlide Category Slides KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName lyxend Margin Static ParSkip 0 TopSep 0 BottomSep 1 ParSep 0 Align Center AlignPossible Center LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0 LeftMargin MMMMMMM LabelString "~=~" ResetArgs 1 Font Color None EndFont End ### # Wideslide style definition ### Style WideSlide CopyStyle Slide LatexName lyxend\lyxwideslide Font Color Green EndFont End ### # EmptySlide style definition ### Style EmptySlide CopyStyle Slide LatexName lyxend\lyxemptyslide LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMM LabelString "Empty slide:" LabelType Static KeepEmpty 1 Font Color Cyan EndFont End ### # Note style definition ### Style Note Category Slides Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName lyxend\lyxnote LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Center AlignPossible Center LabelType Static LabelString "Note:" LeftMargin MMMMMMM KeepEmpty 1 ResetArgs 1 Font Series Bold Size Large Color Red EndFont End ### # Section style definition ### Style Section CopyStyle Slide Category Sectioning TocLevel 1 LatexName lyxend\section LabelType Static LabelCounter section LabelString "\arabic{section}" Font Size Larger Color Blue EndFont LabelStringAppendix "\Alph{section}" Argument 1 LabelString "Section Option" Tooltip "Optional arguments to the section command (see powerdot manual)" EndArgument End ### # Itemize styles definition ### Style Itemize Category List Margin Static LatexType Item_Environment LatexName itemize NextNoIndent 1 ToggleIndent Never LeftMargin MMN LabelSep xx ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Itemize Argument 1 LabelString "Itemize Type" Tooltip "Itemize type specification (see powerdot manual)" EndArgument Argument 2 LabelString "Itemize Options" Tooltip "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem manual)" EndArgument Argument listpreamble:1 LabelString "List preamble" MenuString "List Preamble" Tooltip "LaTeX code to be inserted before the first item" PassThru 1 Font Family typewriter Color latex EndFont EndArgument Argument item:1 LabelString "Custom Item|s" Tooltip "A customized item string" EndArgument Argument item:2 MenuString "Item Overlay Specifications" LabelString "On Slide" Tooltip "Overlay specifications for this item" LeftDelim < RightDelim > EndArgument DocBookTag itemizedlist DocBookItemTag listitem DocBookItemInnerTag para End Style ItemizeType1 CopyStyle Itemize Argument 1 LabelString "Itemize Type" Tooltip "Itemize type specification (see powerdot manual)" DefaultArg "type=1" EndArgument End ### # Enumerate styles definition ### Style Enumerate Category List Margin Static LatexType Item_Environment LatexName enumerate NextNoIndent 1 ToggleIndent Never LeftMargin MMN LabelSep xx ParSkip 0.0 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Enumerate RefPrefix enu Argument 1 LabelString "Enumerate Type" Tooltip "Enumerate type specification (see powerdot manual)" EndArgument Argument 2 LabelString "Enumerate Options" Tooltip "Optional arguments for this list (see enumitem manual)" Requires 1 EndArgument Argument listpreamble:1 LabelString "List preamble" MenuString "List Preamble" Tooltip "LaTeX code to be inserted before the first item" PassThru 1 Font Family typewriter Color latex EndFont EndArgument Argument item:1 LabelString "Custom Item|s" Tooltip "A customized item string" EndArgument Argument item:2 MenuString "Item Overlay Specifications" LabelString "On Slide" Tooltip "Overlay specifications for this item" LeftDelim < RightDelim > EndArgument DocBookTag orderedlist DocBookItemTag listitem DocBookItemInnerTag para End Style EnumerateType1 CopyStyle Enumerate Argument 1 LabelString "Enumerate Type" Tooltip "Enumerate type specification (see powerdot manual)" DefaultArg "type=1" EndArgument End ### # Bibliography style definition ### Style Bibliography Category BackMatter Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Bib_Environment LatexName thebibliography NextNoIndent 1 ToggleIndent Never LeftMargin MM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Bibliography LabelString "" LabelBottomSep 0 TocLevel 1 IsTocCaption 0 Argument listpreamble:1 LabelString "Bib preamble" MenuString "Bibliography Preamble" Tooltip "LaTeX code to be inserted before the first bibliography item" PassThru 1 Font Family typewriter Color latex EndFont EndArgument End ### # Quotation style definition ### Style Quotation Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName quotation NextNoIndent 1 ToggleIndent Always LeftMargin MMM RightMargin MMM ParIndent MM ParSkip 0 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.5 BottomSep 0.5 ParSep 0 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center End ### # Quote style definition ### Style Quote Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName quote NextNoIndent 1 ToggleIndent Never LeftMargin MMM RightMargin MMM TopSep 0.5 ParSep 0.5 BottomSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End ### # Verse style definition ### Style Verse # LaTeX type is first dynamic because of LaTeX implementation. # In LyX this does not make sense. Category MainText LatexType Environment LatexName verse Margin First_Dynamic NextNoIndent 1 LeftMargin MMMM LabelIndent MMMM ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType No_Label End ### # Twocolumn style definition ### Style Twocolumn Category MainText LatexType command LatexName twocolumn Margin First_Dynamic NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label Argument 1 LabelString "Column Options" Tooltip "Twocolumn options (see powerdot manual)" EndArgument Argument 2 LabelString "Left Column" Tooltip "Enter the text of the left column here (right column in main paragraph)" Mandatory 1 AutoInsert 1 EndArgument End ### # Overlay style definitions ### Style Pause Category Overlays KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName pause Margin First_Dynamic Argument 1 LabelString "Pause number" Tooltip "Number of slide where the context below the pause gets visible" EndArgument NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0 TopSep 0 BottomSep 0.25 ParSep 0 Align Center LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0 LeftMargin MMMMM LabelString "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _" LabelFont Family typewriter Series Medium Size Normal Color latex EndFont End ### # Float definitions ### Input stdfloatnames.inc Float Type table GuiName Table AllowedPlacement H AllowsSideways 0 AllowsWide 0 Extension lot NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Tables" IsPredefined true UsesFloatPkg false ListCommand listoftables RefPrefix tab End Float Type figure GuiName Figure AllowedPlacement H AllowsSideways 0 AllowsWide 0 Extension lof NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Figures" IsPredefined true UsesFloatPkg false ListCommand listoffigures RefPrefix fig End Float Type algorithm GuiName Algorithm AllowedPlacement H AllowsSideways 0 AllowsWide 0 Extension loa NumberWithin none Style ruled ListName "List of Algorithms" IsPredefined false UsesFloatPkg true RefPrefix alg End ### # Counters definitions ### Counter enumi GuiName "Numbered List (Level 1)" End Counter enumii GuiName "Numbered List (Level 2)" Within enumi End Counter enumiii GuiName "Numbered List (Level 3)" Within enumii End Counter enumiv GuiName "Numbered List (Level 4)" Within enumiii End Counter bibitem GuiName "Bibliography Item" End Counter figure GuiName Figure End Counter table GuiName Table End Counter algorithm GuiName Algorithm End ### # Charstyle definitions ### InsetLayout Flex:Onslide LyXType charstyle LabelString "Visible" LatexType command LatexName onslide Argument 1 LabelString "On Slides" MenuString "Overlay Specification|S" Tooltip "Specify the overlay settings (see powerdot manual)" Mandatory 1 DefaultArg "1-" EndArgument ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Onslide+ CopyStyle Flex:Onslide LatexName onslide+ LabelString "Uncover" End InsetLayout Flex:Onslide* CopyStyle Flex:Onslide LatexName onslide* LabelString "Only" End