#\DeclareLyXModule{PDF Comments} #DescriptionBegin #Provides various kinds of annotations for the PDF output. The module uses #the pdcomment package. Please consult the package documentation for details. #DescriptionEnd # Author: Juergen Spitzmueller Format 48 # # Annotation insets # InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Annotation" LyXType custom LatexType command Decoration classic LabelString PDF LatexName pdfcomment LabelFont Color magenta Size Small EndFont MultiPar false Argument 1 MenuString "PDFComment Options" LabelString "Opts" ToolTip "Insert PDFComment options here (see pdfcomment manual)" EndArgument Requires pdfcomment End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Margin" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Annotation" LabelString "PDF (Margin)" LatexName pdfmargincomment LabelFont Color green Size Small EndFont End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Markup" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Markup)" LatexName pdfmarkupcomment Argument post:1 LabelString "Comment" Mandatory 1 ToolTip "Insert the comment to the marked-up text here" EndArgument End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Freetext" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Freetext)" LatexName pdffreetextcomment End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Square" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Square)" LatexName pdfsquarecomment End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Circle" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Circle)" LatexName pdfcirclecomment End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Line" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Line)" LatexName pdflinecomment End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Sideline" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Sideline)" LatexType environment LatexName pdfsidelinecomment MultiPar true Argument 2 LabelString "Comment" Mandatory 1 ToolTip "Insert the comment here" EndArgument End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Reply" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Margin" LabelString "PDF (Reply)" LatexName pdfreply LabelFont Color blue Size Small EndFont End InsetLayout "Flex:PDF-Tooltip" CopyStyle "Flex:PDF-Markup" LabelString "PDF (Tooltip)" LatexName pdftooltip LabelFont Color red Size Small EndFont Argument post:1 MenuString "Tooltip Text" LabelString "Tooltip" Mandatory 1 ToolTip "Insert the tooltip text here" EndArgument End # # List of Annotations # Style List_of_PDF_Comments KeepEmpty 1 LatexType Command LatexName listofpdfcomments Margin First_Dynamic NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0 TopSep 0 BottomSep 0.25 ParSep 0 Align Center LabelType Static LabelBottomSep 0 LeftMargin MMMMM LabelString "[LIST of PDF Comments]" LabelFont Family typewriter Series Medium Size Small Color latex EndFont Argument 1 LabelString "Opts" MenuString "List Options|s" Tooltip "Insert list options here (see pdfcomment manual)" EndArgument Requires pdfcomment End