#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{Paper (Standard Class)} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # Paper textclass definition file. # Created by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes (Jean-Marc.Lasgouttes@inria.fr) Format 53 Columns 1 Sides 1 SecNumDepth 3 TocDepth 3 Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label HTMLStyle div.standard { margin-bottom: 2ex; } EndHTMLStyle End Input stdtitle.inc Input stdstruct.inc Input lyxmacros.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdfloats.inc Input stdsections.inc Input stdstarsections.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdciteformats.inc # There are no chapters in a paper. NoStyle Chapter NoCounter chapter NoStyle Chapter* # All the section headings now use sans serif Style Part Align Left TopSep 2 BottomSep 1.5 Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Largest EndFont End Style Section Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Large EndFont End Style Subsection Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Large EndFont End Style Subsubsection Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Normal EndFont End Style Paragraph Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Normal EndFont End Style Subparagraph Font Family Sans Size Normal EndFont End Style Description LabelFont Family Sans Series Medium EndFont End # The \maketitle stuff is by default left justified. Style Title Align Left Font Family Sans Series Bold Size Largest EndFont End Style Author Align Left Font Size Larger Family Sans Shape Italic EndFont End Style Abstract Font Size Small EndFont LabelType Above LabelFont Series Bold Family Sans Size Small EndFont LeftMargin "" RightMargin "" ParIndent "" End ### A few new things defined only in the paper document class Style SubTitle CopyStyle Title LatexName subtitle Font Family Sans Series Medium Size Large EndFont HTMLTitle false End Style Institution CopyStyle Title LatexName institution Font Family Sans Series Medium Size Normal EndFont HTMLTag div HTMLTitle false End Style Keywords CopyStyle Abstract LatexName keywords LabelString "Keywords:" End