#\DeclareLyXModule[multicol.sty]{Multiple Columns} #DescriptionBegin #Adds 2 styles to begin and end text in multiple columns. #The begin style contains the number of columns, the end style must be kept empty. #See the Additional manual for a detailed description of multiple columns. #DescriptionEnd #Author: Uwe Stöhr Format 43 Style "Begin Multiple Columns" Category MainText Margin First_Dynamic LatexType command LabelType Static LabelSep xx LatexName begin{multicols} LabelString "---Begin Multiple Columns---" #OptionalArgs 2 #RequiredArgs 1 KeepEmpty 1 ParSkip 0 TopSep 0 BottomSep 0 ParSep 0 Font Color Blue EndFont LabelFont Color Green EndFont Preamble \usepackage{multicol} EndPreamble End Style "End Multiple Columns" CopyStyle "Begin Multiple Columns" LatexName end{multicols} LabelString "---End Multiple Columns---" End