#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[moderncv,color.sty,fancyhdr.sty,hyperref.sty,ifpdf.sty,marvosym.sty]{Modern CV} # \DeclareCategory{Curricula Vitae} # textclass definition file for modernCV 1.2.0 # Author : Uwe Stöhr (uwestoehr@web.de) # General textclass parameters Format 41 Columns 1 Sides 1 SecNumDepth -1 TocDepth -1 Provides hyperref 1 Provides url 1 # Standard style definition Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Input stdcounters.inc Input stdinsets.inc Input stdlists.inc Style Section Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName section NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Block LabelSep xxx LabelType No_Label Font Family Sans Series Bold EndFont TocLevel 1 End Style Subsection CopyStyle Section LatexName subsection TopSep 0.9 BottomSep 0 ParSep 0.5 Font Family Sans Series Medium EndFont TocLevel 2 End Style Entry Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName cventry Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Time" Tooltip "Time" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "What?" Tooltip "What?" EndArgument Argument 3 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Affiliation" Tooltip "Affiliation" #Font # Shape Italic #EndFont EndArgument Argument 4 Mandatory 1 LabelString "City" Tooltip "City" EndArgument Argument 5 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Country" Tooltip "Country" EndArgument ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Entry:" LabelFont Series Bold Color Blue EndFont End Style Item Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName cvitem Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Summary" Tooltip "Summary" EndArgument ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Item:" LabelFont Series Bold Color Blue EndFont End Style ItemWithComment CopyStyle Item LatexName cvitemwithcomment LabelString "Item with comment:" KeepEmpty 1 ResetArgs 1 Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Summary" Tooltip "Summary" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Text" Tooltip "Text" EndArgument End Style ListItem CopyStyle Item LatexName cvlistitem LabelString "List Item:" ResetArgs 1 End Style DoubleItem CopyStyle ListItem LatexName cvdoubleitem LabelString "Double Item:" KeepEmpty 1 Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Left summary" Tooltip "Left summary" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Left text" Tooltip "Left text" EndArgument Argument 3 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Right summary" Tooltip "Right summary" EndArgument End Style DoubleListItem CopyStyle ListItem LatexName cvlistdoubleitem LabelString "Double List Item:" ResetArgs 1 Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "First Item" Tooltip "First Item" EndArgument End Style Language ObsoletedBy ItemWithComment End Style Computer ObsoletedBy DoubleItem End Style EmptySection Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName emptysection{} KeepEmpty 1 ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Empty Section" LabelFont Series Bold Color Green EndFont End Style CloseSection CopyStyle EmptySection LatexName closesection{} LabelString "Close Section" End Style MakeCVtitle CopyStyle EmptySection LatexName makecvtitle{} LabelString "Make CV title" Category Title End Style MakeLetterTitle CopyStyle EmptySection LatexName makelettertitle{} LabelString "Make letter title" Category Letter End Style MakeLetterClosing CopyStyle EmptySection LatexName makeletterclosing{} LabelString "Close Letter" Category Letter End Style Bibliography Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Bib_Environment LatexName thebibliography NextNoIndent 1 LeftMargin MM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.5 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Bibliography LabelString "References" LabelBottomSep 1.2 LabelFont Series Bold Size Larger Family Sans EndFont End Style --Separator-- KeepEmpty 1 Margin Dynamic LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM Align Block LabelType Static LabelString "--- Separate Environment ---" LabelFont Family Roman Series Medium Size Normal Color Blue EndFont HTMLLabel NONE End Style Recipient Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName recipient Category Letter Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Company name" Tooltip "Company name" #Font # Series Bold #EndFont EndArgument NextNoIndent 1 ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0 ParSep 0.7 Align Left LabelSep xxx LabelType No_Label Font Shape Italic EndFont End Style Date CopyStyle Recipient LatexName date ResetArgs 1 TopSep 0 BottomSep 0 Align Right Font Series Medium EndFont End Style Opening CopyStyle Date LatexName opening TopSep 0 BottomSep 0.5 Align Left End Style Closing CopyStyle Opening LatexName closing End Style Enclosing Margin Dynamic CopyStyle Opening LatexName enclosure Argument 1 LabelString "Alternative name" Tooltip "Alternative instead of 'Enclosure'" EndArgument LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Enclosing:" Font Shape Italic EndFont LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold Color Blue EndFont End