#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[article,maa-monthly.sty]{Mathematical Monthly article} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # # Layout for typesetting articles for the MAA Monthly. # # Author : John Perry Format 97 Provides amscls 1 Provides amsmath 1 Provides amssymb 1 Provides amsthm 1 Provides graphics 1 Provides hyperref 1 Provides url 1 Provides times 1 Provides pifont 1 Provides color 1 # Input general definitions Input stdclass.inc Input stdcounters.inc Preamble \usepackage{maa-monthly} EndPreamble ClassOptions FontSize 12 End Style Abstract Font Size Normal EndFont LabelType Static LabelFont Size Normal Series Bold EndFont LabelString "Abstract:" LabelSep " " Margin Dynamic DocBookTag para DocBookAbstract true End Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block Center LabelType No_Label DocBookTag para End Style Author Align Center End Style Abbreviated_Title CopyStyle Title LatexType command LatexName markright Font Size Large EndFont Align Center DocBookTag titleabbrev End Style Biographies Align Left Category BackMatter LabelString "Biographies" LabelType Centered LabelFont Color textlabel1 Shape Italic Family Roman EndFont LatexType Environment LatexName biog KeepEmpty 1 # Cannot work properly, as toclevel is set to NOT_IN_TOC. DocBookSection true # DocBookSectionTag section DocBookTag title DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookWrapperTag section End Style Author_Biography Align Left Category BackMatter Argument 1 LabelString "Name" Mandatory 0 DocBookTag emphasis DocBookAttr role='name' EndArgument LabelString "Author Biography" LabelSep " " LabelType Static LabelFont Color textlabel1 Shape Italic Family Roman EndFont LatexType Command LatexName item Margin Dynamic DocBookTag para DocBookWrapperTag section DocBookWrapperMergeWithPrevious true End Style Affiliation Align Left Category BackMatter LabelString "Affiliation (include email):" LabelSep " " LabelType Static LabelFont Color textlabel1 Shape Italic Family Roman EndFont LatexType Environment LatexName affil Margin Dynamic DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='affiliation' DocBookWrapperTag section DocBookWrapperMergeWithPrevious true End Style Acknowledgments Category BackMatter Argument 1 LabelString "Title of acknowledgment" Mandatory 1 EndArgument LabelString "Acknowledgments" LabelType Static LabelSep " " LabelFont Series Bold Size Large EndFont LatexName acknowledgment LatexType Environment Margin Dynamic DocBookTag para DocBookWrapperTag acknowledgements DocBookSection true End InsetLayout Flex:URL LyxType custom ContentAsLabel 1 Decoration Conglomerate LabelString "URL" LatexType command LatexName url End Input theorems.inc Input theorems-case.inc Input theorems-proof.inc Input theorems-refprefix.inc Input theorems-starred.inc # the Monthly wants its remarks to look like definitions Style Remark* Preamble \theoremstyle{definition} \newtheorem*{rem*}{\protect\remarkname} EndPreamble End