# Literate Chunk inset definitions. # This defines the Chunk inset used in the literate modules. # # Author: Liviu Andronic # # Note that this file is included in sweave.module, # knitr.module and noweb.module. Format 97 Counter chunk GuiName "Knitr Chunk" PrettyFormat "Chunk ##" End OutlinerName literate "Literate programming" InsetLayout "Flex:Chunk" LabelString "Chunk" LatexType none LyXType Custom Counter chunk RightDelim
@ Decoration Classic Font Color latex Family typewriter EndFont # LabelFont # Color latex # Size Small # EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true PassThru 1 ParbreakIsNewline 1 KeepEmpty true Spellcheck 0 FreeSpacing true ForceLTR true AddToToc literate IsTocCaption 0 Argument 1 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Options" Tooltip "Options" LeftDelim << RightDelim >>=
IsTocCaption 1 AutoInsert 1 EndArgument ResetsFont false ForceOwnlines true NeedCProtect true EditExternal true DocBookTag programlisting DocBookAttr role='literate-programming' End