#\DeclareLyXModule[covington.sty,enumitem.sty,forest.sty]{Linguistics} #DescriptionBegin #Defines some special environments useful for linguistics (numbered examples, #glosses, semantic markup, tableau floats). #See linguistics.lyx file in examples. #DescriptionEnd # Author: Jürgen Spitzmüller Format 67 Counter example Within chapter LabelString "(\arabic{example})" End Counter examplei Within chapter LabelString "(\arabic{examplei})" End Counter subexample Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexample})" End Counter subexamplei Within examplei LabelString "\theexamplei (\alph{subexamplei})" End OutlinerName tableau "Tableaux" #no AddToToc (built-in) # single numbered example with covington.sty Style Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Environment LatexName covexample NextNoIndent 1 Margin First_Dynamic ParIndent (1)x LabelSep xx ParSkip 0.0 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelCounter "examplei" LabelFont Color Blue EndFont Requires covington Preamble % Backwards compatibility with covington < 1.1 % This code can be removed eventually \@ifundefined{covexample}{% \newenvironment{covexample}{\begin{example}}{\end{example}}% }{} EndPreamble Category Linguistics End # multiple numbered examples with covington.sty Style Numbered_Examples_(consecutive) CopyStyle Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Item_Environment LatexName covexamples LabelType Enumerate LabelCounter "example" ResumeCounter true Argument item:1 LabelString "Custom Numbering|s" Tooltip "Customize the numeration" EndArgument Preamble % Backwards compatibility with covington < 1.1 % This code can be removed eventually \@ifundefined{covexamples}{% \newenvironment{covexamples}{\begin{examples}}{\end{examples}}% }{} EndPreamble End # multiple numbered example with covington.sty Style Subexample CopyStyle Numbered_Examples_(consecutive) LatexName subexample LabelCounter "subexample" StepMasterCounter true Requires covington,enumitem Preamble \newenvironment{subexample}{% \begin{example}\begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=1.7em] \renewcommand\theenumi{\alph{enumi}} \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)} \renewcommand\p@enumi{\theequation\,}}% {\end{enumerate}\end{example}} EndPreamble End # glosse (2 lines) with covington.sty InsetLayout Flex:Glosse LyXType custom LabelString Glosse LatexType environment LatexName linggloss Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true ParbreakIsNewline true FreeSpacing true Requires covington Preamble \def\glosstr{} \@ifundefined{linggloss}{% \newenvironment{linggloss}[2][]{ \def\glosstr{\glt #1}% \gll #2} {\glosstr\glend}}{} EndPreamble InToc true ResetsFont true Argument 1 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Translation" MenuString "Glosse Translation|s" Tooltip "Add a translation for the glosse" EndArgument End # glosse (3 lines) with covington.sty InsetLayout Flex:Tri-Glosse LyXType custom LabelString Tri-Glosse LatexType environment LatexName lingglosss Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true ParbreakIsNewline true FreeSpacing true InToc true Requires covington Preamble \def\glosstr{} \@ifundefined{lingglosss}{% \newenvironment{lingglosss}[2][]{ \def\glosstr{\glt #1}% \glll #2} {\glosstr\glend}}{} EndPreamble ResetsFont true Argument 1 Decoration conglomerate LabelString "Translation" MenuString "Glosse Translation|s" Tooltip "Add a translation for the glosse" EndArgument End # Structure trees via the forest package InsetLayout Flex:Structure_Tree LyXType custom LabelString Tree LatexType environment LatexName forest Decoration classic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ParbreakIsNewline true FreeSpacing true Requires forest ResetsFont true PassThruChars [] Preamble % Load forest linguistics library, if available \@ifpackagelater{forest}{2016/02/20}{% \useforestlibrary*{linguistics} }{} EndPreamble End # Some semantik markup for Semantics InsetLayout Flex:Expression LyxType charstyle LabelString expr. LatexType command LatexName lingexpr Font Shape Italic EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lingexpr}[1]{\emph{#1}} EndPreamble InToc true ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Concepts LyxType charstyle LabelString concept LatexType command LatexName lingconcept Font Shape Smallcaps EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lingconcept}[1]{\textsc{#1}} EndPreamble InToc true ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Meaning LyxType charstyle LabelString meaning LatexType command LatexName lingmeaning Requires csquotes Preamble \newcommand{\lingmeaning}[1]{\enquote*{#1}} EndPreamble InToc true ResetsFont true End # A helper to group words in Glosses InsetLayout Flex:GroupGlossedWords LyxType charstyle LabelString Group LeftDelim { RightDelim } ResetsFont true End # Tableaux for Optimality Theory OutlinerName tableau "Tableaux" #no AddToToc Float Type tableau GuiName Tableau Placement tbp Extension otl NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Tableaux" IsPredefined false UsesFloatPkg true End