#\DeclareLyXModule[covington.sty]{Linguistics} #DescriptionBegin #Defines some special environments useful for linguistics (numbered examples, #glosses, semantic markup, tableau floats). #See linguistics.lyx file in examples. #DescriptionEnd # Author: Jürgen Spitzmüller Format 29 # single numbered example with covington.sty Style Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Environment LatexName example NextNoIndent 1 Margin Dynamic LabelSep xx ParSkip 0.0 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString "Example:" LabelFont Shape Italic Color Blue EndFont Requires covington End # multiple numbered examples with covington.sty Style Numbered_Examples_(consecutive) CopyStyle Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Item_Environment LatexName examples LabelString "Examples:" End # multiple numbered example with covington.sty Style Subexample CopyStyle Numbered_Example_(multiline) LatexType Item_Environment LatexName subexample LabelString "Subexample:" Requires covington,enumitem Preamble \newenvironment{subexample}{% \begin{example}\begin{enumerate}[leftmargin=1.7em] \renewcommand\theenumi{\alph{enumi}} \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)} \renewcommand\p@enumi{\theequation\,}}% {\end{enumerate}\end{example}} EndPreamble End # glosse (2 lines) with covington.sty # mandatory translation must be entered verbatim! InsetLayout Flex:Glosse LyXType custom LabelString Glosse LatexType environment LatexName linggloss Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true PassThru true FreeSpacing true ForceLTR true Requires covington Preamble \@ifundefined{linggloss}{% \newenvironment{linggloss}[1]{% \gll #1} {\glend}}{} EndPreamble InToc true End # glosse (3 lines) with covington.sty # mandatory translation must be entered verbatim! InsetLayout Flex:Tri-Glosse LyXType custom LabelString Tri-Glosse LatexType environment LatexName lingglosss Decoration minimalistic LabelFont Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true PassThru true FreeSpacing true ForceLTR true InToc true Requires covington Preamble \@ifundefined{lingglosss}{% \newenvironment{lingglosss}[1]{% \glll #1} {\glend}}{} EndPreamble End # Some semantik markup for Semantics InsetLayout Flex:Expression LyxType charstyle LabelString expr. LatexType command LatexName lingexpr Font Shape Italic EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lingexpr}[1]{\emph{#1}} EndPreamble InToc true End InsetLayout Flex:Concepts LyxType charstyle LabelString concept LatexType command LatexName lingconcept Font Shape Smallcaps EndFont Preamble \newcommand{\lingconcept}[1]{\textsc{#1}} EndPreamble InToc true End InsetLayout Flex:Meaning LyxType charstyle LabelString meaning LatexType command LatexName lingmeaning Requires csquotes Preamble \newcommand{\lingmeaning}[1]{\enquote*{#1}} EndPreamble InToc true End # Tableaux for Optimality Theory Float Type tableau GuiName Tableau Placement tbp Extension otl NumberWithin none Style plain ListName "List of Tableaux" NeedsFloatPkg true End