#\DeclareLyXModule[lilypond-book->latex]{LilyPond Music Notation} #\DeclareCategory{Leisure, Sports & Music} #DescriptionBegin #This module adds an inset to enter LilyPond code directly into LyX. #It will be processed in the output. See the lilypond.lyx example file. #DescriptionEnd #Excludes: sweave # Author: Julien Rioux Format 76 OutputFormat lilypond-book InsetLayout "Flex:LilyPond" LabelString LilyPond LaTeXType Environment LaTeXName lilypond LyXType Custom Decoration Classic Font Color latex Family typewriter EndFont LabelFont Color latex Size Small EndFont MultiPar true CustomPars false ForcePlain true FreeSpacing true PassThru true ParbreakIsNewline true ForceLTR true Spellcheck false Argument 1 LabelString "Options" MenuString "LilyPond Options" Tooltip "A comma-separated option list (see the LilyPond documentation for available options)." Decoration Conglomerate Font Color black Family typewriter EndFont LabelFont Color black EndFont EndArgument End