#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[iucr]{International Union of Crystallography (IUCr)} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # IUCr article textclass definition file. # Author: Uwe Stöhr (uwestoehr@web.de) # IUCr LaTeX files can be downloaded from ftp://ftp.iucr.org/templates/latex/ Format 68 Columns 1 Sides 1 SecNumDepth 3 TocDepth 3 DefaultStyle Standard ClassOptions FontSize 10 end Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Input stdtitle.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdfloats.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdsections.inc Input stdstarsections.inc Input stdstruct.inc NoStyle Chapter NoCounter chapter NoStyle Chapter* NoStyle Author NoStyle Bibliography Style Section LabelString \thesection. LabelStringAppendix \thesection Align Center End Style Subsection LabelString \thesubsection. Font Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont End Style Subsubsection LabelString \thesubsubsection. Font Shape Italic EndFont End Style "Short Title" CopyStyle Title LatexName shorttitle Font Size Small EndFont End InsetLayout "Flex:City" LyxType custom LatexType command ForcePlain 1 LatexName city LabelString "City" Font Color foreground Size Small Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color green Size Small EndFont End InsetLayout "Flex:Country" CopyStyle "Flex:City" LatexName country LabelString "Country" End InsetLayout "Flex:Author Footnote" CopyStyle "Flex:City" LatexName aufn LabelString "Author Footnote" End Style "Main Author" Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName cauthor Category FrontMatter InTitle 1 NextNoIndent 1 Argument 1 LabelString "Affiliation Key" Tooltip "Affiliation key of the author" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Forename" Tooltip "Forename" EndArgument Argument 3 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Surname" Tooltip "Surname" EndArgument Argument 4 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Email" Tooltip "Email" Font Shape Italic EndFont EndArgument BottomSep 0.5 ParSkip 0.4 Align Center LabelType No_Label End Style "Co Author" CopyStyle "Main Author" LatexName author LabelString "Co-author" ResetArgs 1 Argument 1 LabelString "Affiliation Key" Tooltip "Affiliation key of the co-author" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Forename" Tooltip "Forename" EndArgument End Style "Short Author" CopyStyle "Co Author" LatexName shortauthor LabelString "Short author:" ResetArgs 1 LabelType Static Align Block Margin Dynamic LabelSep xx LabelFont Series Bold Color Green EndFont End Style Affiliation CopyStyle "Short Author" LatexName aff Category FrontMatter LabelString "Affiliation:" Argument 1 LabelString "Affiliation Key" Tooltip "Affiliation key" EndArgument Font Shape Italic EndFont LabelFont Series Bold Color Green Shape Up EndFont End Style Keyword CopyStyle "Short Author" LatexName keyword LabelString "Keyword:" End Style Vita CopyStyle "Short Author" LatexName vita LabelString "Vita:" End Style "PDB reference" CopyStyle "Short Author" LatexName PDBreference LabelString "PDB reference:" Argument 1 LabelString "Name" Tooltip "Optional name" EndArgument End Style "NDB reference" CopyStyle "PDB reference" LatexName NDBreference LabelString "NDB reference:" End Style Synopsis CopyStyle Abstract LatexName synopsis LabelString "Synopsis" Align Left AlignPossible Left End Style Acknowledgements CopyStyle "Short Author" LatexName ack InTitle 0 LabelString "Acknowledgements:" Category BackMatter TopSep 0.7 End Style References Margin Static Category BackMatter LatexType Item_Environment LatexName references ItemCommand reference LabelType Centered LabelString "References" LabelFont Size larger Series bold EndFont ParagraphGroup 1 NextNoIndent 1 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 Argument item:1 LabelString "Reference" Mandatory 1 AutoInsert 1 EndArgument Align Left End