#\DeclareLyXModule{Initials (Drop Caps)} #\DeclareCategory{Paragraph Styles} #DescriptionBegin #Defines a style for paragraphs with an enlarged initial letter (drop cap). #See the EmbeddedObjects manual for a detailed description. #DescriptionEnd #Authors: Pavel Sanda and Uwe Stöhr Format 97 AddToPreamble \@ifundefined{lettrine}{\usepackage{lettrine}}{} EndPreamble InsetLayout Flex:Initial LyxType charstyle LabelString "Initial" LatexType command LatexName lettrine Font Size Large EndFont Requires lettrine ResetsFont true End Style Initial Category MainText LatexType command LatexName lettrine Margin First_Dynamic LabelType static LabelString Initial Argument 1 LabelString "Options" Tooltip "Option(s) for the initial" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Initial" Tooltip "Initial letter(s)" EndArgument Argument 3 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Rest of Initial" Tooltip "Rest of initial word or text" EndArgument LabelSep x ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End