#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[ws-ijmpc,amsmath.sty,amssymb.sty,rotating.sty]{article (IJMPC)} # # Textclass definition file for ws-ijmpc.cls # For publications in the International Journal of Modern Physics C # (usually abbreviated as IJMPC). # # Author: Panayotis "PAP" Papasotiriou # # Version 1 2006-04-09 - First version, for LyX 1.4.0. Format 29 Input stdclass.inc Input numarticle.inc NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Chapter* NoStyle Part NoStyle Verse Sides 1 Columns 1 SecNumDepth 3 TocDepth 3 DefaultStyle Standard ClassOptions FontSize "" PageStyle "" End Style Title Align Center TextFont Size Large EndFont End Style Author Align Center TextFont Series Medium Size Normal EndFont End Style Address LatexType Command InTitle 1 LatexName address ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 0.4 Align Center LabelType No_Label TextFont Series Medium Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont End Style Abstract LatexType Environment ParIndent "" Align Block LabelType No_Label TextFont Size Small EndFont End Style Keywords CopyStyle Abstract LatexType Command LatexName keywords Margin Dynamic LabelType Static LabelString "Keywords:" LabelSep M LabelFont Series Medium Shape Italic Size Small EndFont End Style Classification_Codes CopyStyle Abstract LatexType Command LatexName ccode Margin Static End Style Section Align Block Font Size Normal EndFont TocLevel 1 End Style Section* Align Block Font Size Normal EndFont End Style Subsection Align Block TextFont Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont TocLevel 2 End Style Subsubsection Align Block LabelFont Series Medium EndFont TextFont Series Medium Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont TocLevel 3 End Counter definition TocLevel 3 End Style Definition LatexType Environment LatexName definition Margin First_Dynamic TopSep 0.6 BottomSep 0.6 Align Block LabelType Counter LabelCounter definition LabelString "Definition \thedefinition." LabelSep M NextNoIndent 1 LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Counter step End Style Step CopyStyle Definition LatexName step LabelCounter step LabelString "Step \thestep." LabelFont Series Medium Shape Italic EndFont End Counter example End Style Example CopyStyle Definition LatexName example LabelCounter example LabelString "Example \theexample." End Counter remark End Style Remark CopyStyle Definition LatexName remark LabelCounter remark LabelString "Remark \theremark." End Counter notation End Style Notation CopyStyle Definition LatexName notation LabelCounter notation LabelString "Notation \thenotation." End Counter theorem End Style Theorem LatexType Environment LatexName theorem Margin First_Dynamic TopSep 0.6 BottomSep 0.6 Align Block NextNoIndent 1 LabelType Counter LabelCounter theorem LabelString "Theorem \thetheorem." LabelSep M LabelFont Series Bold Shape Up EndFont TextFont Shape Italic EndFont End Style Proof LatexType Environment LatexName proof Margin First_Dynamic TopSep 0.6 BottomSep 0.6 Align Block LabelType Static LabelString "Proof." LabelSep M LabelFont Series Bold EndFont EndLabelType Box End Counter corollary End Style Corollary CopyStyle Theorem LatexName corollary LabelCounter corollary LabelString "Corollary \thecorollary." End Counter lemma End Style Lemma CopyStyle Theorem LatexName lemma LabelCounter lemma LabelString "Lemma \thelemma." End Counter proposition End Style Proposition CopyStyle Theorem LatexName proposition LabelCounter proposition LabelString "Proposition \theproposition." End Counter prop End Style Prop CopyStyle Definition LatexName prop LabelCounter prop LabelString "Prop \theprop." End Counter question End Style Question CopyStyle Definition LatexName question LabelCounter question LabelString "Question \thequestion." End Counter claim End Style Claim CopyStyle Theorem LatexName claim LabelCounter claim LabelString "Claim \theclaim." End Counter conjecture End Style Conjecture CopyStyle Theorem LatexName conjecture LabelCounter conjecture LabelString "Conjecture \theconjecture." End Style Appendices_Section Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName appendix KeepEmpty 1 TopSep 0.6 BottomSep 0 Align Block LabelType Centered_Top_Environment LabelString "--- Appendices ---" Font Series Bold Size Normal Color Blue EndFont End Counter appendix End Style Appendix LatexType Command LatexName section TopSep 0.6 BottomSep 0.6 Margin First_Dynamic Align Block NextNoIndent 1 LabelType Counter LabelCounter appendix LabelString "Appendix \Alph{appendix}." LabelSep M LabelFont Series Bold Shape Up Size Normal EndFont TextFont Series Bold EndFont End Style Bibliography Align Block LabelFont Size Normal EndFont End Input theorems-refprefix.inc