#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[hollywood]{hollywood} # This layout follows the current Hollywood standard for movie scripts # # Font Courier 12 pts # abbreviations used in scripts are as follows: # INT. - interior EXT. - exterior #(O.S) - off screen b.g. - background PAN - camera movement #(V.O) - voice over C.U. - close-up INSERT - cut to close-up of # each page should be 1 minute of film # Spec scripts should not be more that 120 pages or less than 110. # Nothing goes in a script that you cannot see or hear. # Contributed by Garst R. Reese with lots of help from the LyX Team # Based on course given by Lars Davidson # General textclass parameters Columns 1 Sides 1 SecNumDepth 2 TocDepth 2 ClassOptions FontSize 12 End # This is just to show how to declare the default font. # The defaults are exactly those shown here. DefaultFont Family Typewriter Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal Color None EndFont Preamble \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{extramarks} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage{lastpage} \pagestyle{fancy} % This stuff is for a shooting script % \lhead{\ifthenelse{ \not \value{page} = 1}{CONTINUED:}{}} % \rfoot{\ifthenelse{ \not \value{page}=\pageref{LastPage}}{(CONT'D)} % {\ifthenelse{\value{page}=\pageref{LastPage}}{(END)}{}}} % This is what we want for a spec script \rhead{\thepage.} \cfoot{} % \renewcommand{\headrulewitdh}{0pt} % This one is needed to get real adobe courier, but you can use % cmtt which is also correct \renewcommand{\familydefault}{pcr} % This is to negate the effect of the ~ that LyX adds everywhere \let~=\space % this protects you against the fact that TeX does not want to % hyphenate in typewriter font. It is possible to enable % hyphenation, but I do not remember how. % That's good because we -do not- want any hyphenation. \sloppy EndPreamble # Standard style definition (I kept this one to provide a general case) Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent "" ParSkip 0.4 Align Left AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center Labeltype No_Label End # Narrative description of Scene Style Narrative Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName narrative ParIndent "" ParSkip 0.8 TopSep 1.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType No_Label End # FADE_IN: and FADE_OUT: usually stand alone. If you want a more complicated # FADE_IN e.g. FADE_IN on STELLA:, use the Narrative Style. Style FADE_IN: Margin Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName fadein ParIndent "" ParSkip 0.8 TopSep 1.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left KeepEmpty 1 LabelType Static LabelString "FADE IN: " End # Scene headings (ALL CAPS) This is a general case, probably not needed # example: # INT. LOG CABIN - NIGHT # Use Style EXT. for Exterior, INT. for Interior scenes. Last word should be # - DAY, or - NIGHT or similar to define lighting. Style INT. Margin Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName interior ParIndent "" ParSkip 0.8 TopSep 1.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType Static LabelString "INT. " End Style EXT. Margin Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName exterior ParIndent "" ParSkip 0.8 TopSep 1.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType Static LabelString "EXT. " End # Dialogue style definition. Actor dialog Style Dialogue Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName dialogue LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMM RightMargin MMMMMMMMMMMM ParSkip 0.0 TopSep 0.0 BottomSep 0.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType No_Label End # Speaker style definition, identifies speaker ALL CAPS Style Speaker Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName speaker LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ParSkip 0.0 TopSep 1.0 BottomSep 0.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType No_Label End # Parenthetical instruction to speaker (in parenthises, l.c.) # The ( will automatically appear on screen, both () will be # in print, so don't type any. Style Parenthetical Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName parenthetical LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM TopSep 0.0 BottomSep 0.0 ParSkip 0.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left LabelType Static LabelString ( Font Family Typewriter Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal Color Blue EndFont End # Transition style definition ALL CAPS Style Transition Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName flushright ParIndent "" TopSep 1.0 ParSkip 0.4 Align Right AlignPossible Right LabelType No_Label End Style FADE_OUT: Margin Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName fadeout ParIndent "" ParSkip 0.8 TopSep 1.0 Align Left AlignPossible Left KeepEmpty 1 LabelType Static LabelString "FADE OUT: " End # Right Address style Style Right_Address Margin Right_Address_Box LatexType Command LatexName address InTitle 1 ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Left AlignPossible Left, Right End Style Author Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName author InTitle 1 ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Center AlignPossible Left, Right, Center End Style Title Margin Static LatexType Command LatexName title InTitle 1 ParSkip 0.4 BottomSep 1.5 ParSep 1.5 Align Center AlignPossible Left, Right, Center End Input stdtitle.inc Input stdstruct.inc # Input lyxmacros.inc NoStyle Abstract NoStyle Bibliography NoStyle Date