#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[article,theorem.sty]{Hebrew Article} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # Hebrew article textclass definition file. # Author: Dekel Tsur # Few changes by Baruch Even Format 69 Input article Preamble \usepackage{theorem} \theorembodyfont{\upshape} \newtheorem{theorem}{\R{משפט}}[section] \AtBeginDocument{\make@lr\thetheorem} % The following chunk fixes export with XeTeX. % It is needed because polyglossia is used by default % and \make@lr is only defined by babel. \@ifundefined{make@lr} {\def\make@lr#1{\begingroup \toks@=\expandafter{#1}% \edef\x{\endgroup \def\noexpand#1{\noexpand\@number{\the\toks@}}}% \x}}{\relax} EndPreamble Style Theorem Category Reasoning Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName theorem NextNoIndent 1 LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString "Theorem #." Font Shape Up Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold EndFont End Style Lemma CopyStyle Theorem LatexName lemma LabelString "Lemma #." Preamble \newtheorem{lemma}[theorem]{\R{למה}} EndPreamble End Style Corollary CopyStyle Theorem LatexName corollary LabelString "Corollary #." Preamble \newtheorem{corollary}[theorem]{\R{מסקנה}} EndPreamble End Style Claim CopyStyle Theorem LatexName claim LabelString "Claim #." Preamble \newtheorem{claim}[theorem]{\R{טענה}} EndPreamble End Style Definition CopyStyle Theorem LatexName definition LabelString "Definition #." Preamble \newtheorem{definition}[theorem]{\R{הגדרה}} EndPreamble End Style Remarks CopyStyle Theorem LatexName remark LabelString "Remarks #." Preamble \newtheorem{remark}[theorem]{\R{הערה}} EndPreamble End Style Proof Category Reasoning Margin First_Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName proof NextNoIndent 1 LabelSep xx ParIndent MMM ParSkip 0.4 ItemSep 0.2 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.3 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left LabelType Static LabelString "Proof:" EndLabelType Filled_Box Font Shape Up Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Shape Up Series Bold EndFont Preamble \newenvironment{proof}% {\R{\textbf{הוכחה:}}}% {\hfill\rule{2mm}{2mm}\par\vspace{2mm}} EndPreamble End Input theorems-refprefix.inc