#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[europecv,fancyhdr.sty,longtable.sty,ucs.sty]{Europe CV} # \DeclareCategory{Curricula Vitae} # europe CV textclass definition file. # Author : Uwe Stöhr (uwestoehr@web.de) # General textclass parameters Format 42 Columns 1 Sides 1 SecNumDepth -1 TocDepth -1 # Standard style definition Style Standard Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelType No_Label End Input stdcounters.inc Input stdinsets.inc Style Name Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName ecvname Category FrontMatter InPreamble 1 ParSkip 0.4 LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Name:" LabelFont Series Bold Color Blue EndFont End Style FooterName CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvfootername LabelString "Footer name:" End Style Nationality CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvnationality LabelString "Nationality:" End Style Birthday CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvdateofbirth LabelString "Date of birth:" End Style Address CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvaddress LabelString "Address:" End Style Email CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvemail LabelString "E-mail:" End Style Telephone CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvtelephone LabelString "Telephone:" Argument 1 LabelString "Mobile" Tooltip "Mobile phone number" EndArgument End Style Gender CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvgender LabelString "Gender:" End Style Fax CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvfax LabelString "Fax:" End Style BeforePicture CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvbeforepicture LabelString "Space before picture:" End Style Picture CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvpicture LabelString "Picture:" Argument 1 LabelString "Size" Tooltip "Size the photo is resized to" EndArgument End Style AfterPicture CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvafterpicture LabelString "Space after picture:" End Style Page CopyStyle Name LatexName ecvpage LabelString "Page:" End Style Section Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName ecvsection Category MainText NeedProtect 1 NextNoIndent 1 Argument 1 LabelString "Short Title|S" Tooltip "The title as it appears in the header" EndArgument ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 1.3 BottomSep 0.7 ParSep 0.7 Align Block LabelSep xxx LabelType No_Label Font Family Sans Series Bold EndFont TocLevel 1 End Style Item Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName ecvitem Category MainText Argument 1 LabelString "Vertical Space" Tooltip "Additional vertical space" EndArgument Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Summary" Tooltip "Summary of the item, can also be the time" EndArgument ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Item:" LabelFont Series Bold Color Blue EndFont End Style BulletedItem CopyStyle Item LatexName ecvitem* LabelString "Bulleted Item:" End Style Begin Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName begin{europecv} Category FrontMatter KeepEmpty 1 TopSep 1 BottomSep 1 ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Begin of CV" LabelFont Series Bold Color Green EndFont End Style PersonalInfo CopyStyle Begin LatexName ecvpersonalinfo{} TopSep 0 BottomSep 0 LabelString "Personal Info" End Style MotherTongue Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName ecvmothertongue Category MainText Argument 1 LabelString "Vertical Space" Tooltip "Additional vertical space" EndArgument ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "Mother Tongue:" Font Series Bold EndFont LabelFont Series Bold Color Blue EndFont End Style LangHeader CopyStyle MotherTongue LatexName ecvlanguageheader ResetArgs 1 LabelString "Language Header:" End Style Language CopyStyle MotherTongue LatexName ecvlanguage LabelString "Language:" Argument 2 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Language" Tooltip "Name of the language" EndArgument Argument 3 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Listening" Tooltip "Level how good you think you can listen" EndArgument Argument 4 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Reading" Tooltip "Level how good you think you can read" EndArgument Argument 5 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Interaction" Tooltip "Level how good you think you can conversate" EndArgument Argument 6 Mandatory 1 LabelString "Production" Tooltip "Level how good you think you can freely talk" EndArgument End Style LastLanguage CopyStyle Language LatexName ecvlastlanguage LabelString "Last Language:" End Style LangFooter CopyStyle LangHeader LatexName ecvlanguagefooter LabelString "Language Footer:" End Style End Margin Dynamic LatexType Command LatexName end{europecv} Category BackMatter KeepEmpty 1 TopSep 1 ParSkip 0.4 Align Block LabelSep xx LabelType Static LabelString "End of CV" LabelFont Series Bold Color Green EndFont End InsetLayout "Flex:VerticalSpace" LyxType custom LatexType command LatexName ecvspace Decoration Conglomerate LabelString "Vertical space" Font Color foreground Size Small Family Roman Shape Up Series Medium Misc No_Emph Misc No_Noun Misc No_Bar EndFont LabelFont Color green Size Small EndFont End