#\DeclareLyXModule[endnotes.sty]{Endnotes} #\DeclareCategory{Foot- and Endnotes} #DescriptionBegin #Adds an endnote inset, in addition to footnotes. You will need to add an #endnotes list (Insert > List/Contents/References > Endnotes) where you #want the endnotes to appear. #DescriptionEnd Format 79 Counter endnotes PrettyFormat "Endnote ##" End InsetLayout Flex:Endnote LyXType custom LatexName endnote LatexType command Counter endnotes Decoration classic Font Size Small EndFont MultiPar true LabelString endnote Requires endnotes End # We are only interested in the list Float Type endnote ListName "Endnotes" IsPredefined true UsesFloatPkg false ListCommand theendnotes Requires endnotes End