#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[ectaart]{Econometrica} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # Author : Koji Yokota Format 96 Input article.layout TitleLatexType Environment TitleLatexName frontmatter ClassOptions Other draft End Style Title Margin Manual LeftMargin -MMMMMMMM Align Center DocBookTag title DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style RunTitle Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName runtitle InTitle 1 Margin Dynamic LabelType Static LabelString "Running Title:" LabelSep M LabelFont Color textlabel3 EndFont DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style RunAuthor CopyStyle RunTitle LatexType Command LatexName runauthor LabelString "Running Author:" DocBookTag authorinitials DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style Abstract Margin Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName abstract InTitle 1 Category FrontMatter NextNoIndent 1 LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.4 Align Block LabelType Static LabelString "Abstract" LabelFont Size Normal Series Medium EndFont DocBookAbstract true DocBookInInfo always DocBookWrapperTag abstract DocBookWrapperMergeWithPrevious true DocBookTag para End Style Address CopyStyle RunTitle LatexName address Argument 1 LabelString "Address Option" Tooltip "Optional argument for the address" EndArgument LabelString "Address:" DocBookInInfo always DocBookTag address End Style Email Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName lyxead Argument 1 LabelString "E-Mail Option" Tooltip "Optional argument for the e-mail" EndArgument InTitle 1 Margin First_Dynamic LabelType Static LabelString "E-mail:" LabelSep M Font Family Typewriter EndFont LabelFont Family Roman Series Medium Size Normal Color textlabel1 EndFont Preamble \def\lyxead[#1]#2{\ead[label=#1]{#2}} EndPreamble DocBookTag email DocBookWrapperTag address DocBookInInfo always End Style Web_Address CopyStyle Email LatexName lyxeadurl LabelString "Web address:" Preamble \def\lyxeadurl[#1]#2{\ead[label=#1,url]{#2}} EndPreamble DocBookTag uri DocBookWrapperTag address DocBookInInfo always End Style Author LatexType Command LatexName author NewLine 0 InTitle 1 DocBookTag personname DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookWrapperTag author DocBookWrapperTagType inline DocBookInInfo always End Style Authors_Block CopyStyle RunTitle LatexType Environment LatexName aug LabelString "Authors Block:" DocBookTag personname DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookWrapperTag author DocBookWrapperTagType inline DocBookInInfo always End Style Keyword CopyStyle Abstract LatexType Environment LatexName keyword LabelString "Keywords:" LabelFont Shape SmallCaps EndFont End Style Thanks_Text CopyStyle Email LatexType Command LatexName lyxthankstext NeedProtect 1 LabelType Static LabelCounter Thanks LabelString "Thanks \theThanks:" Preamble \def\lyxthankstext[#1]#2{\thankstext{#1}{#2}} EndPreamble End Style Emphasize CopyStyle Standard LatexType Environment LatexName lyxem TopSep 1 Font Shape Italic EndFont Preamble \newenvironment{lyxem}{\par\begin{em}}{\end{em}\par} EndPreamble End InsetLayout Flex:Thanks_Reference LyxType custom LatexType Command LatexName thanksref MultiPar 0 CustomPars 0 Decoration Classic LabelString "Thanks Ref" ForcePlain 1 BgColor background ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Internet_Address_Reference CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName printead LabelString "Internet Addess Ref" End InsetLayout Flex:Corresponding_Author CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName corref LabelString "Corresponding Author" BgColor foreground End InsetLayout Flex:Author CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName author LabelString "Author" BgColor textlabel2 End InsetLayout Flex:Name_(First_Name) CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName fnms LabelString "First Name" BgColor background End InsetLayout Flex:Name_(Surname) CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName snm LabelString "Surname" BgColor background End InsetLayout Flex:Keyword CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName kwd LabelString "Keyword" End InsetLayout Flex:By_Same_Author_(bib) CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName bysame LabelString "bysame" BgColor textlabel1 End Counter Thanks GuiName "Footnote (Title)" End