#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[ectaart]{Econometrica} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # Author : Koji Yokota Format 85 Input article.layout TitleLatexType Environment TitleLatexName frontmatter ClassOptions Other draft End Style Title Margin Manual LeftMargin -MMMMMMMM Align Center DocBookTag title DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style RunTitle Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName runtitle InTitle 1 Margin Dynamic LabelType Static LabelString "Running Title:" LabelSep M LabelFont Color Red EndFont End Style RunAuthor CopyStyle RunTitle LatexType Command LatexName runauthor LabelString "Running Author:" End Style Abstract Margin Dynamic LatexType Environment LatexName abstract InTitle 1 Category FrontMatter NextNoIndent 1 LabelSep xxx ParSkip 0.4 TopSep 0.7 BottomSep 0.4 Align Block LabelType Static LabelString "Abstract" LabelFont Size Normal Series Medium EndFont End Style Address CopyStyle RunTitle LatexName address Argument 1 LabelString "Address Option" Tooltip "Optional argument for the address" EndArgument LabelString "Address:" End Style Email Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName lyxead Argument 1 LabelString "E-Mail Option" Tooltip "Optional argument for the e-mail" EndArgument InTitle 1 Margin First_Dynamic LabelType Static LabelString "E-mail:" LabelSep M Font Family Typewriter EndFont LabelFont Family Roman Series Medium Size Normal Color Blue EndFont Preamble \def\lyxead[#1]#2{\ead[label=#1]{#2}} EndPreamble End Style Web_Address CopyStyle Email LatexName lyxeadurl LabelString "Web address:" Preamble \def\lyxeadurl[#1]#2{\ead[label=#1,url]{#2}} EndPreamble End Style Author LatexType Command LatexName author NewLine 0 InTitle 1 End Style Authors_Block CopyStyle RunTitle LatexType Environment LatexName aug LabelString "Authors Block:" End Style Keyword CopyStyle Abstract LatexType Environment LatexName keyword LabelString "Keywords:" LabelFont Shape SmallCaps EndFont End Style Thanks_Text CopyStyle Email LatexType Command LatexName lyxthankstext NeedProtect 1 LabelType Static LabelCounter Thanks LabelString "Thanks \theThanks:" Preamble \def\lyxthankstext[#1]#2{\thankstext{#1}{#2}} EndPreamble End Style Emphasize CopyStyle Standard LatexType Environment LatexName lyxem TopSep 1 Font Shape Italic EndFont Preamble \newenvironment{lyxem}{\par\begin{em}}{\end{em}\par} EndPreamble End InsetLayout Flex:Thanks_Reference LyxType custom LatexType Command LatexName thanksref MultiPar 0 CustomPars 0 Decoration Classic LabelString "Thanks Ref" ForcePlain 1 BgColor background ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:Internet_Address_Reference CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName printead LabelString "Internet Addess Ref" End InsetLayout Flex:Corresponding_Author CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName corref LabelString "Corresponding Author" BgColor black End InsetLayout Flex:Author CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName author LabelString "Author" BgColor green End InsetLayout Flex:Name_(First_Name) CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName fnms LabelString "First Name" BgColor background End InsetLayout Flex:Name_(Surname) CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName snm LabelString "Surname" BgColor background End InsetLayout Flex:Keyword CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName kwd LabelString "Keyword" End InsetLayout Flex:By_Same_Author_(bib) CopyStyle Flex:Thanks_Reference LatexName bysame LabelString "bysame" BgColor blue End Counter Thanks GuiName "Footnote (Title)" End