#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[dtk,dtklogos.sty,filecontents.sty,multicol.sty,ragged2e.sty]{Die TeXnische Komoedie} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # This is the definition file for # Die TeXnische Komoedie (dtk), # the journal of the German TeX User Group http://www.dante.de. # Author : Herbert Voss 2001/08/13 Format 53 Columns 1 Sides 2 SecNumDepth -1 # no counting TocDepth -1 ClassOptions FontSize default # only 10pt in fact of A5 PageStyle "" # controlled by class End DefaultFont # only for screen Family Roman Series Medium Shape Up Size Normal Color None EndFont Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy # no special latex env ParSkip 0.5 # default ParSep 0.5 # default Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Input stdinsets.inc Input stdlists.inc Input stdsections.inc Input stdstarsections.inc NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Chapter* Input stdtitle.inc Input stdstruct.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdfloats.inc Input stdcounters.inc