#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[article,calc.sty,lambda.sty,lyxskak.sty,pst-node.sty]{Chess} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # chess article textclass definition file. # This layout file was designed to allow easy access to all # the cool features of the skak package for chess notation. # # Author : Kayvan A. Sylvan # # Remaining minor problem: # # Sometimes there is too much space under a \showboard, especially # if you use some of the ornamentation commands (\printknightmove, # \highlight or \printarrow). For now, a workaround for the problem # is to insert (using ERT) a \vspace* command (for example, # \vspace*{-0.5in}) # Format 100 Requires chess Preamble %%% initialize board \newgame EndPreamble # To be filled in later. This makes Standard first on the list of layouts. Style Standard End # This is the main line of the chess game. Use PGN notation here. # Also, this layout can be continued with Control-Enter without # starting a new paragraph. Style Mainline LatexType Command LatexName mainline Margin Static LeftMargin MMMMMMM Labeltype Static LabelSep M LabelString "Mainline:" Newline 0 PassThru 1 ParbreakIsNewline 1 TopSep 0.0 ParSep 0.0 LabelFont Color textlabel1 Series bold EndFont TextFont Color textlabel1 EndFont DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='mainline' End # This is a variation. It shows up in the normal fashion (styleB). # You are free to redefine it by making a new \variationstyle # as talked about in the skak documentation. Style Variation CopyStyle Mainline LatexType Command LatexName lyxvariation[1] LabelString "Variation:" LeftMargin MMMMMMMMM DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='variation' End # This is a subvariation. Style SubVariation CopyStyle Variation LatexName lyxvariation[2] LabelString "Subvariation:" LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMM DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='subvariation' End # This is a subsubvariation. Style SubVariation2 CopyStyle Variation LatexName lyxvariation[3] LabelString "Subvariation(2):" LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='subsubvariation' End # This is a subsubsubvariation. Style SubVariation3 CopyStyle Variation LatexName lyxvariation[4] LabelString "Subvariation(3):" LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='subsubsubvariation' End # This is a subsubsubsubvariation. Style SubVariation4 CopyStyle Variation LatexName lyxvariation[5] LabelString "Subvariation(4):" LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='subsubsubsubvariation' End # This is a subsubsubsubsubvariation. Style SubVariation5 CopyStyle Variation LatexName lyxvariation[6] LabelString "Subvariation(5):" LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='subsubsubsubsubvariation' End # Same as mainline, but it does not print the moves (only updates the # board position. Style HideMoves CopyStyle Mainline LatexName hidemoves LeftMargin "HideMoves:M" LabelSep M LabelString "HideMoves:" DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='hide-moves' End # This simply prints a block left chessboard. Style ChessBoard CopyStyle Mainline LatexType Command LatexName showboard LabelString "[chessboard]" KeepEmpty 1 LabelFont Color textlabel3 EndFont DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='chess-board' End # This prints a centered chessboard. Style BoardCentered CopyStyle Mainline LatexType Command LatexName [\showboard\] LeftMargin MMMMMMMMMMMMMM LabelString "[centered board]" KeepEmpty 1 LabelFont Color textlabel3 EndFont DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='board-centered' End # This should be a list of comma-separated chessboard squares. # Should be placed after a ChessBoard or BoardCentered. Style HighLight CopyStyle Mainline LatexType Command LatexName lyxhighlight LeftMargin MMMMMMMM LabelString "Highlights:" LabelFont Color foreground Series Bold Shape SmallCaps EndFont TextFont Series Bold Color foreground EndFont DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='highlights' End # This should be a list of two squares with an ascii arrow (a1->c3) # Should be placed after a ChessBoard or BoardCentered. Style Arrow CopyStyle HighLight LatexType Command LatexName lyxprintarrow LeftMargin MMMMMMMM LabelString "Arrow:" DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='arrow' End # This should be a list of two chessboard squares (again, like g1->e2) # Should be placed after a ChessBoard or BoardCentered. Style KnightMove CopyStyle Arrow LatexType Command LatexName lyxknightmove LeftMargin MMMMMMMM LabelString "KnightMove:" DocBookTag para DocBookAttr role='knight-move' End Input article.layout