#\DeclareLyXModule[changebar.sty]{Change Tracking Bars} #\DeclareCategory{Annotation & Revision} # #DescriptionBegin #Enables LyX to add vertical change bars in the margin of PDF output #when Show Changes in Output is turned on and pdflatex output format is chosen. #DescriptionEnd # #Author: Paul A. Rubin (rubin@msu.edu) #Based on code proposed by Juergen Spitzmueller #(http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.editors.lyx.general/66666). # # Note: the \providecommand statements are necessary to avoid # error messages from the \renewcommand statements if change # tracking is turned off in the document. # Format 76 AddToPreamble \usepackage{changebar} \providecommand{\lyxadded}[3]{} \providecommand{\lyxdeleted}{} \renewcommand{\lyxadded}[3]{ {\protect\cbstart\color{lyxadded}{}#3\protect\cbend} } \renewcommand{\lyxdeleted}[3]{% {\protect\cbstart\color{lyxdeleted}\sout{#3}\protect\cbend} } EndPreamble