#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[beamer,beamerposter.sty]{Beamerposter} # \DeclareCategory{Posters} # Wrapper layout for the beamer class with beamerposter style # # Authors: Jürgen Spitzmüller (spitz@lyx.org) # # Input general definitions Format 79 Input beamer.layout Preamble \usepackage{etoolbox} \AtEndPreamble{% \usepackage{beamerposter} } EndPreamble Style Title InPreamble 1 InTitle 0 End Style Subtitle InPreamble 1 InTitle 0 End Style Author InPreamble 1 InTitle 0 End Style Institute InPreamble 1 InTitle 0 End Style Date InPreamble 1 InTitle 0 End Style TitleGraphic InPreamble 1 InTitle 0 End NoStyle Title_(Plain_Frame) InsetLayout "Flex:Giant" LyXType custom Decoration classic LabelString Giant LatexType None LeftDelim {\veryHuge{} RightDelim \par} Font Size giant EndFont LabelFont Size normal EndFont ResetsFont true End InsetLayout "Flex:More_Giant" CopyStyle Flex:Giant LeftDelim {\VeryHuge{} LabelString "More Giant" End InsetLayout "Flex:Most_Giant" CopyStyle Flex:Giant LeftDelim {\VERYHuge{} LabelString "Most Giant" End InsetLayout Flex:Giant_Snippet LyXType charstyle LabelString Giant LatexType None LeftDelim {\veryHuge{} RightDelim } Font Size giant EndFont LabelFont Size normal EndFont ResetsFont true End InsetLayout Flex:More_Giant_Snippet CopyStyle Flex:Giant_Snippet LabelString "More Giant" LeftDelim {\VeryHuge{} End InsetLayout Flex:Most_Giant_Snippet CopyStyle Flex:Giant_Snippet LabelString "Most Giant" LeftDelim {\VERYHuge{} End