#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass{article (AMS)} # AMS-Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code # and from the Article textclass definition file, following the AMS sample # paper "testmath.tex" of January, 1995 # Author : David L. Johnson # Probably broken by Jean-Marc Lasgouttes # modified and modularized by Emmanuel GUREGHIAN # Tinkered with Sep. '07 by Paul Rubin # Modularized Jan '08 by Richard Heck # Moved "number within sections" to modules Aug '09 (Paul Rubin ) Format 21 Columns 1 Sides 2 PageStyle Headers ClassOptions FontSize 8|9|10|11|12 End DefaultModule theorems-ams DefaultModule eqs-within-sections DefaultModule figs-within-sections Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label End Input stdfloats.inc Input stdcounters.inc Input stdinsets.inc Input stdsections.inc Input stdstarsections.inc Input lyxmacros.inc Input stdlayouts.inc Input stdlists.inc Input amsdefs.inc NoStyle Chapter NoStyle Paragraph NoStyle Subparagraph NoStyle Chapter* #NoStyle Paragraph* #NoStyle Subparagraph* NoStyle Verse # Although mathematicians tend to be poets at times, # we don't need this. Style Section Align Center Font Series Medium Shape Smallcaps Size Normal EndFont TocLevel 1 End Style Section* Align Center Font Series Medium Shape Smallcaps Size Large EndFont End Style SpecialSection CopyStyle Section LatexName specialsection Font Shape Roman EndFont End Style SpecialSection* CopyStyle SpecialSection Category Unnumbered LatexName specialsection* Margin Static LabelType No_Label LabelCounter "" OptionalArgs 0 End Style Subsection Font Series Bold Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Series Medium EndFont TocLevel 2 End Style Subsection* Font Series Bold Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Series Medium EndFont End Style Subsubsection Font Shape Italic Series Medium Size Normal EndFont TocLevel 3 End Style Subsubsection* Font Shape Italic Series Medium Size Normal EndFont End