#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[acmart]{Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # # Layout for typesetting publications of the Association for Computing Machinery. # # Author : John Perry # Guillaume Munch-Maccagnoni # Reviewed following tickets #10722 & #10723 # by Jean-Pierre Chrétien Format 78 Provides amscls 1 Provides amsmath 1 Provides amstext 1 Provides binhex 1 Provides caption 1 Provides comment 1 Provides cm-super 1 Provides cmap 1 Provides draftwatermark 1 Provides environ 1 Provides fancyhdr 1 Provides float 1 Provides fontaxes 1 Provides geometry 1 Provides graphics 1 Provides hyperref 1 Provides ifluatex 1 Provides ifxetex 1 Provides inconsolata 1 Provides latex-tools 1 Provides libertine 1 Provides makeidx 1 Provides manyfoot 1 Provides microtype 1 Provides mmap 1 Provides ms 1 Provides mweights 1 Provides natbib 1 Provides nccfoots 1 Provides newtx 1 Provides oberdiek 1 Provides pdftex-def 1 Provides totpages 1 Provides trimspaces 1 Provides setspace 1 Provides upquote 1 Provides url 1 Provides xcolor 1 Provides xkeyval 1 # Input general definitions Input stdclass.inc Input stdcounters.inc ClassOptions FontSize 9|10|11|12 Other "format=manuscript,authordraft" End Style Standard Category MainText Margin Static LatexType Paragraph LatexName dummy ParIndent MM ParSkip 0.4 Align Block AlignPossible Block, Left, Right, Center LabelType No_Label # FIXME This ought to be set dynamically. 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LabelString "Price: " LatexName acmPrice End Style ACM_ISBN CopyStyle ACM_Journal LabelString "ISBN: " LatexName acmISBN End Style ACM_DOI CopyStyle ACM_Journal LabelString "ACM DOI: " LatexName acmDOI End Style ACM_Badge_R CopyStyle ACM_Journal LabelString "ACM Badge R: " LatexName acmBadgeR End Style ACM_Badge_L CopyStyle ACM_Journal LabelString "ACM Badge L: " LatexName acmBadgeL End Style Start_Page CopyStyle ACM_Journal LabelString "Start Page: " LatexName startPage End Style Terms CopyStyle TitleNote LabelString "Terms: " LatexName terms End Style Keywords CopyStyle TitleNote LabelString "Keywords: " LatexName keywords End Style CCSXML Category FrontMatter LatexName CCSXML LatexType Environment Font Family Typewriter Color blue Shape Italic EndFont FreeSpacing 1 InTitle 1 LabelString "Computing Classification Scheme (XML): " LabelType Centered LabelFont Family Roman EndFont NextNoIndent 1 NewLine false ParbreakIsNewline true PassThru true End Style CCS_Description CopyStyle 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Font Shape Italic Size Normal EndFont LabelFont Shape SmallCaps EndFont End Style Corollary CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem LatexName corollary LabelString "Corollary \thetheorem." End Style Lemma CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem LatexName lemma LabelString "Lemma \thetheorem." End Style Proposition CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem LatexName proposition LabelString "Proposition \thetheorem." End Style Conjecture CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem LatexName conjecture LabelString "Conjecture \thetheorem." End Style Definition CopyStyle Theorem DependsOn Theorem LatexName definition LabelString "Definition \thetheorem." Font Shape Up EndFont LabelFont Shape Italic Series Medium EndFont End Style Example CopyStyle Definition LatexName example LabelString "Example \thetheorem." 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