#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this #\DeclareLaTeXClass[aastex62,amssymb.sty,latexsym.sty,natbib.sty,verbatim.sty]{American Astronomical Society (AASTeX v. 6.2)} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # # LyX support for the AAS TeX package http://www.ctan.org/pkg/aastex # # Author: Mike Ressler # Author: Uwe Stöhr # # Disclaimer: Though I am an astronomer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, this # package was prepared on my own time on my own machine. Neither the United # States government, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the # California Institute of Technology, the American Astronomical Society, nor # the Jet Propulsion Laboratory endorse this package - indeed, they probably # don't even know of it's existence. Use of this package is covered by the LyX # license which is found in the file COPYING in the root directory of the LyX # distribution. # # Version 0.0 5/27/99 - Initial submission, basic LaTeX equivalents # Version 0.1 6/04/99 - Most everything in sections 2.1-2.11 of AASTeX guide # works. References work with some ERT. Regular tables # (2.14) okay, deluxetable will never be supported. # Figures (2.13) not even attempted yet. Misc (2.15) # partially supported, but much will remain ERT. # Style options (section 3) can be typed into Extra # Document options. # Much cleaning of this file needs to be done. # Version 1.0 6/09/99 - Implemented remaining commands as well as possible. # There is little more I can do unless LyX source code # is changed. (Not by me!) Documentation, template, and # example files are available. # Version 1.1 7/25/99 - Changed \url to take advantage of new layout option. # Version 1.2 4/18/02 - Updated for natbib in 1.2.0 # Version 1.3 5/7/04 - Updated for AASTeX 5.2 # Version 1.4 26/10/08 - new custom insets for \altaffilmark, \tablenotemark # - new environments for \altaffiltext and \tablenotetext # Version 1.5 26/11/12 - added mandatory argument for \altaffiltext # Version 1.6 23/01/15 - fix for the optional argument of \figcaption # # Version 6.0 31/03/16 - Stub for AASTeX 6.0: # new layout file aastex6.layout, because # aastex.cls was renamed to aastex6.cls (2016/02/16) # (cf. LyX ticket #10027) # # Version 6.2 14/08/18 - Stub for AASTeX 6.2: # new layout file aastex62.layout, because # aastex6.cls was renamed to aastex62.cls (2017/10/16) # # TODO: - support for new commands (see below) # - aastex6.cls loads hyperref (with pre-set options) and url # -> option clash if "Use Hy^perref" is selected in Document>Settings # - in DocBook, the appendix is not output (not a standard LyX appendix # separator (needs a layout update) # - in DocBook, the "Software" part should really be a section on its own, # but that would require a way to provide the section title within the # layout (needs a layout update) # - in DocBook, the table notes are not supported at all (move the remarks # into the table cells instead of outputting tablenotemark in the cells?) Format 107 Provides hyperref 1 Preamble \newcommand{\vdag}{(v)^\dagger} \newcommand\aastex{AAS\TeX} EndPreamble Input aastex.layout # For new and updated commands, see # http://journals.aas.org/authors/aastex/revisionhistory.html ## New commands: Style Software CopyStyle Keywords LatexName software Margin Static LeftMargin M TopSep 0.7 LabelType Above LabelString "Software:" LabelFont Shape Italic EndFont DocBookTag remark DocBookAttr role='software' # Override what's taken from Keywords, but not really wanted. DocBookWrapperTag NONE DocBookInInfo never End # other new commands are mainly for the user preamble ## Updated commands: # TODO: dataset should become an inset similar to hyperref: # # Use the \dataset command to link to data sets hosted externally # such as the DOI issuing Zenodo repository. # # \dataset[text]{url} # # Where url is the URL link to the data. The bracketed argument is optional. # When present the given text is used as the displayed hyperlink otherwise # [DATASET] is printed. # Fixes for aastex.layout # TODO: first/second arg for tablenotetext to replace ERT "}{" # Show "figcaption" label instead of "Senseless!!!" # match label to output Style Appendix Margin Static # LeftMargin "" LabelType Centered LabelString "APPENDIX" End Style TableRefs LabelString "References-" LabelFont Series Bold EndFont End Style TableComments LabelString "Note-" End # Added for aastex62 Style Corresponding_Author Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName correspondingauthor LabelType Static Margin Dynamic LabelString "Corresponding author:" LabelSep "x" End Style Keywords LabelString "Keywords:" End Style Email Align Left Font Shape Up Color textlabel1 Size Small EndFont End Style Author LabelType Static LabelString "Author:" LabelFont Shape Italic Color textlabel2 EndFont Argument 1 LabelString ORCID ToolTip "Enter the 16 digit ORCID as xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx" # TODO: In DocBook, this cannot be in the , it must be directly within . EndArgument Align Center Margin Dynamic DocBookTag personname DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookWrapperTag author DocBookWrapperTagType inline DocBookInInfo always End Style Affiliation LabelType Static Margin Dynamic LabelString "Affiliation:" LatexName affiliation LabelSep "x" LabelFont Shape Italic Color textlabel2 EndFont Align Center End Style Collaboration Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName collaboration LabelType Static Margin Dynamic LabelString "Collaboration:" LabelSep "x" LabelFont Shape Italic Color textlabel2 EndFont Align Center End Style Nocollaboration Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName nocollaboration LabelType Static Align Center Margin Dynamic LabelString "No collaboration" KeepEmpty 1 LabelSep "x" LabelFont Shape Italic Color textlabel2 EndFont End Style Altaffilation LatexName altaffiliation ResetArgs 1 Align Center End Style Acknowledgments Font Shape Up EndFont LabelType Above Margin Static LabelFont Color textlabel2 EndFont DocBookTag para DocBookWrapperTag acknowledgements DocBookSection true End Counter appendix GuiName Appendix Within "none" End Style Section_Appendix CopyStyle Section Category Appendix LabelCounter appendix LabelString "\Alph{appendix}." Font Series Medium Shape Up EndFont End Counter subappendix GuiName Subappendix Within "appendix" End Style Subsection_Appendix CopyStyle Subsection Category Appendix LabelCounter subappendix LabelString "\Alph{appendix}\arabic{subappendix}." Font Series Medium Shape Italic EndFont End Counter subsubappendix GuiName Subsubappendix Within subappendix End Style Subsubsection_Appendix CopyStyle Subsubsection Category Appendix LabelCounter subsubappendix LabelString "\Alph{appendix}\arabic{subappendix}.\arabic{subsubappendix}." Font Series Medium EndFont End NoStyle And NoInsetLayout Flex:altaffilmark