#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this # \DeclareLaTeXClass[AEA,amsmath.sty,harvard.sty,multicol.sty,setspace.sty]{American Economic Association (AEA)} # \DeclareCategory{Articles} # Authors : Koji Yokota # Uwe Stöhr Format 103 Input stdclass.inc Input theorems-ams.module Input theorems-bytype.module Input theorems-ams-extended-bytype.module Provides amsthm 1 NoStyle Part NoCounter part NoStyle Chapter NoCounter chapter NoStyle Paragraph NoCounter paragraph NoStyle Subparagraph NoCounter subparagraph NoStyle Part* NoStyle Chapter* NoStyle Section* NoStyle Subsection* NoStyle Subsubsection* NoStyle Paragraph* NoStyle Subparagraph* NoStyle List NoStyle LyX-Code NoStyle Verse NoStyle Address NoStyle Right_Address NoStyle Algorithm* NoStyle Assumption* NoStyle Axiom* NoStyle Conclusion* NoStyle Condition* NoStyle Criterion* NoStyle Fact NoStyle Notation* NoStyle Note NoStyle Note* NoStyle Remark* NoStyle Summary* Style ShortTitle Category FrontMatter LatexType Command LatexName shortTitle InTitle 1 Align Center DocBookTag titleabbrev DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style Publication_Month CopyStyle ShortTitle LatexName pubMonth Align Left Margin Dynamic LabelType Static LabelString "Publication Month:" LabelSep M LabelFont Color textlabel3 EndFont DocBookTag date DocBookAttr role='month' DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe DocBookNoFontInside true End Style Publication_Year CopyStyle Publication_Month LatexName pubYear LabelString "Publication Year:" DocBookTag date DocBookAttr role='year' DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe DocBookNoFontInside true End Style Publication_Volume CopyStyle Publication_Month LatexName pubVolume LabelString "Publication Volume:" DocBookTag volumenum DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style Publication_Issue CopyStyle Publication_Month LatexName pubIssue LabelString "Publication Issue:" DocBookTag issuenum DocBookAttr "" DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookInInfo maybe End Style JEL CopyStyle Publication_Month LatexName JEL LabelString "JEL:" End Style Keywords CopyStyle Publication_Month LatexName Keywords LabelString "Keywords:" DocBookTag keyword DocBookTagType paragraph DocBookWrapperTag keywordset DocBookInInfo always End Style Abstract InTitle 1 End Style Acknowledgments Category FrontMatter LatexType Environment Align Left Margin Dynamic LabelType Static LabelSep M LabelString "Acknowledgments." LatexName acknowledgement DocBookTag para DocBookAttr "" DocBookWrapperTag acknowledgements DocBookWrapperMergeWithPrevious true End Style Figure_Notes Margin Static LatexType Environment LatexName figurenotes Category MainText NextNoIndent 1 Argument 1 LabelString "Figure Note" Tooltip "Text of a note in a figure" DocBookTag emphasis EndArgument LeftMargin MMM TopSep 0.5 BottomSep 0.5 Align Left LabelType Static LabelString "Note:" LabelSep I Font Size Small EndFont LabelFont Shape Italic Size Small EndFont DocBookTag para DocBookWrapperTag note End Style Table_Notes CopyStyle Figure_Notes LatexName tablenotes Argument 1 LabelString "Table Note" Tooltip "Text of a note in a table" Tooltip "Text of a note in a figure" DocBookTag emphasis EndArgument End Style Theorem LatexName theorem Preamble \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} EndPreamble End Style Algorithm LatexName algorithm Preamble \newtheorem{algorithm}{Algorithm} EndPreamble End Style Axiom LatexName axiom Preamble \newtheorem{axiom}{Axiom} EndPreamble End Style Case CopyStyle Remark LatexName case LabelCounter case LabelString "Case \thecase." Preamble \newtheorem{case}{Case} EndPreamble End Style Claim LatexName claim Preamble \newtheorem{claim}{Claim} EndPreamble End Style Conclusion LatexName conclusion LabelCounter conclusion Preamble \newtheorem{conclusion}{Conclusion} EndPreamble End Style Condition LatexName condition LabelCounter condition Preamble \newtheorem{condition}{Condition} EndPreamble End Style Conjecture LatexName conjecture Preamble \newtheorem{conjecture}{Conjecture} EndPreamble End Style Corollary LatexName corollary Preamble \newtheorem{corollary}{Corollary} EndPreamble End Style Criterion LatexName criterion LabelCounter criterion Preamble \newtheorem{criterion}{Criterion} EndPreamble End Style Definition LatexName definition Preamble \newtheorem{definition}{Definition} EndPreamble End Style Example LatexName example Preamble \newtheorem{example}{Example} EndPreamble End Style Exercise LatexName exercise Preamble \newtheorem{exercise}{Exercise} EndPreamble End Style Lemma LatexName lemma Preamble \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} EndPreamble End Style Notation LatexName notation LabelCounter notation Preamble \newtheorem{notation}{Notation} EndPreamble End Style Problem LatexName problem LabelCounter problem Preamble \newtheorem{problem}{Problem} EndPreamble End Style Proposition LatexName proposition Preamble \newtheorem{proposition}{Proposition} EndPreamble End Style Remark LatexName remark LabelString "Remark \theremark." Preamble \newtheorem{remark}{Remark} EndPreamble End Style Solution CopyStyle Remark LatexName solution LabelCounter solution LabelString "Solution \thesolution." Preamble \newtheorem{solution}{Solution} EndPreamble End Style Summary LatexName summary LabelCounter summary Preamble \newtheorem{summary}{Summary} EndPreamble End Style Caption CopyStyle Remark Category MainText LatexType Command LatexName QTR{caption} LabelCounter caption LabelString "Caption:" LeftMargin "Caption: " Align Center End Style Proof Preamble EndPreamble End Counter case GuiName Case End Counter remark GuiName Remark End Counter summary GuiName Summary End Counter solution GuiName Solution End