@iTabFolder Filename-------------------------------- @bFile: You do not need the extension like *eps, when your config file of graphicx is present and has such entries. @bBrowse: Opens the browse gui @bBounding Box---- The image size in Pixeln. Given through lower left corner (x0,y0) and upper right corner (y1,y2) LaTeX excepts all other valid units. The bounding box is used by LaTeX to reserve space when formatting the doxument. @bOptions---- @bGet Bounding Box from file When you have a lot of changes in the bounding box you can reload the original values from the image file, if exists ;-) @bClip to Bounding Box enable this switch if LaTeX should clip the image if it's greater than the bounding box. @bDraft mode enable this switch, when only a rectangle should appear. Speeds up your computing process. @bSubfigure If this image is part of a collection of some other figures, you can enable the switch and insert a subcaption. LyX includes the package subfigure. @iTabFolder Imagesize------------------------------------ @bLaTeX---- @bDefault Enable this switch when LaTeX shall take the image "as is". @bWidth/Height Enable this if you like to change one or both of these values. You have different possibilities for the unit. @bkeep aspectratio Enable this switch if the aspectratio shall be the same. @bScale Enter a value in degrees, like 45, when your image shall be rotated. @bLyX Screen---- @bDon't display LyX shows only a rectangle. Makes processing faster @bin Monochrome: @bin Grayscale: @bin Color: choose one of these modes to show your image in LyX @bWidth/Height: You can specify a special width/height for the images. @iTabFolder Special------------------------------------ @bRotation Angle: Choose any value. The default unit is degree. @bOrigin: You can specify the origin point for the rotation. @bSpecial Options: This is expecially for old graphicx stylefiles. You can enter any options you like. Divede them by a comma.