# Basic External Templates for LyX PreambleDef XFigInput %% This inputs the file if it exists, else prints a warning %% encased in an fbox. \def\stripprefix#1>{} \newcommand*{\xfiginput}[1]{% \edef\tempfilename{#1}% \InputIfFileExists{#1}{}{% \fbox{Could not find \ttfamily\expandafter\stripprefix\meaning\tempfilename !}}} PreambleDefEnd Template XFig GuiName "[XFig: $$Basename]" HelpText An XFig figure. This template uses XFig for editing. HelpTextEnd InputFormat fig FileFilter "*.fig" EditCommand "xfig $$FName" AutomaticProduction true Format LaTeX Product "\\xfiginput{$$Basename.pstex_t}" UpdateFormat pstex UpdateResult "$$Basename.pstex_t" Requirement "graphicx" Preamble XFigInput FormatEnd Format PDFLaTeX Product "\\xfiginput{$$Basename.pdftex_t}" UpdateFormat pdftex UpdateResult "$$Basename.pdftex_t" Requirement "graphicx" Preamble XFigInput FormatEnd Format Ascii Product "$$Contents(\"$$Basename.asc\")" UpdateFormat asciixfig UpdateResult "$$Basename.asc" FormatEnd Format DocBook Product "" UpdateFormat eps UpdateResult "$$Basename.eps" FormatEnd Format LinuxDoc Product "[XFig: $$FName]" FormatEnd TemplateEnd Template ChessDiagram GuiName "[Chess: $$Basename]" HelpText A chess position diagram. This template will use XBoard to edit the position. Use the 'File->Save Position' in XBoard to save the position that you want to display. Make sure to give it a '.fen' extension and remember to type in a relative path to the LyX document location. Within XBoard, use 'Edit->Edit Position' to enable general editing of the board. You might also check out the 'Options->Test legality' option, and remember to middle and right click to insert new material in the board. In order for this to work, you have to put the bundled lyxskak.sty in a place that TeX will find it, and you will need to install the skak package from CTAN. HelpTextEnd InputFormat fen FileFilter "*.fen" EditCommand "xboard -lpf $$FName -mode EditPosition" AutomaticProduction true Format LaTeX Product "\\loadgame{$$FPath$$Basename}\\showboard" Requirement "chess" FormatEnd Format Ascii Product "$$Contents(\"$$Basename.asc\")" UpdateFormat asciichess UpdateResult "$$Basename.asc" FormatEnd Format DocBook Product "[Chess: $$Basename]" FormatEnd Format LinuxDoc Product "[Chess: $$FName]" FormatEnd TemplateEnd Template Date GuiName "[Date]" HelpText Todays date. Read 'info date' for more information. HelpTextEnd InputFormat date FileFilter "*" AutomaticProduction true Format LaTeX Product "$$Contents(\"$$Tempname\")" UpdateFormat dateout UpdateResult "$$Tempname" FormatEnd Format Ascii Product "$$Contents(\"$$Tempname\")" UpdateFormat dateout UpdateResult "$$Tempname" FormatEnd Format DocBook Product "$$Contents(\"$$Tempname\")" UpdateFormat dateout UpdateResult "$$Tempname" FormatEnd Format LinuxDoc Product "$$Contents(\"$$Tempname\")" UpdateFormat dateout UpdateResult "$$Tempname" FormatEnd TemplateEnd