For lyx 2.3.0 * Sec. 2.1.2: new citeengines item new xtemplates item * Sec. 2.1.4: remove external_templates item * Sec. 5.2.6: new section (Cite engine files) * Sec. 5.3.3: new section (Cite engine file declaration) * Sec. 5.3.4->5: new CiteEngine item new CiteFramework item new MaxCiteNames item new OutlinerName item * Sec. 5.3.6->7: new AddToToc item new PassThru new IsTocCaption new IsTocCaption item new ResumeCounter item new StepMasterCounter item * Sec. 5.3.9->10: new AddToToc item edit InToc item new IsTocCaption item * Sec. 5.3.12->13: new section (Citation engine description) * Sec. 5.3.13->14: add CiteFormat item syntax add use instructions (2nd par.) new paragraph about special keys new paragraph about author lists word citation added (translatable text) phrase about cittengines (id.) * Sec. 6.2: 3rd paragraph, introduce xtemplate files For LyX 2.2.1: - sec. 5.3.9: additions in description of "LyxType" For LyX 2.2.0: Modified: first step: - sec. 5.3.4 new sentence for "Requires" - sec. 5.3.4 new entry "ProvideStyle" - sec. 5.3.6 new items for "Argument" - sec. 5.3.6 new entry "ParagraphGroup" - sec. 5.3.6 changed ifo for "Requires" - sec. 5.3.6 new entry "ToggleIndent" - sec. 5.3.8 new entries "AllowedPlacement", "AllowsSideways" and "AllowsWide" - sec. 5.3.9 new entry "FixedWidthPreambleEncoding" - sec. 5.3.9 new entry "ForceOwnlines" - sec. 5.3.9 new entry "ObsoletedBy" - sec. 6.3 new entry "pngOrjpg" second step: - sec. 5.1: (Spanish and Japanese only) new paths