# \DeclareLyXCiteEngine[jurabib.sty]{Jurabib (BibTeX)} # DescriptionBegin # Jurabib supports a range of author-year styles primarily suitable for law studies # and the Humanities. It includes localizations for English, German, French, Dutch, # Spanish and Italian. # DescriptionEnd # Author: Julien Rioux Format 103 Requires jurabib # The framework (biblatex|bibtex) CiteFramework bibtex # Cite style variants (default|authoryear|natbib) # We provide only authoryear citations CiteEngineType authoryear # Default style file DefaultBiblio jurabib # Maximum number of names before "et al." chimes in MaxCiteNames 3 # The syntax of the cite command definitions below is: # LyXName|alias*[][]=latexcmd # # * LyXName: The LyX name as output in the LyX file. For # portability reasons, we try to use the same # name for same-formatted commands in the # different engines (thus many names stem from # natbib). # * Alias: A (comma-separated) list of commands that fall # back to the given LyX name in the current engine. # This is a bit like "ObsoletedBy" in the layouts. # * latexcmd: The actual LaTeX command that is output. # # Alias and latexcmd are optional. If no latexcmd is given, the # LyXName will be output to LaTeX. # # Note further: # # * The LyXName "keyonly" has a special meaning: only the citation key, # without any latex command, is output. # * Capitalization indicates that the command also has a capitalized # form (\Latexcmd vs. \latexcmd). These usually enforce upcasing of # name prefixes (von Goethe => Von Goethe). # * Brackets [] indicate the number of optional arguments (0, 1, 2). # * The star * indicates there is a starred version of the command # (\latexcmd* vs. \latexcmd). By default, the starred version means: # Expand the author list even if the maxnames setting would cause # BibTeX/Biber to shorten it with "et al.". # If the star has a different meaning for a command, it can be # specified in angle brackets: . # Maximal two translatable macro keywords, marked by the prefix '!_', # can be given. The first points to the string that replaces the # "Full aut&hor list" checkbox label in the Citation dialog, the # second one an optional tooltip for this checkbox. Note that these # two macros have to be defined in the CiteFormat section (see below), # dropping the '!' from the prefix (see below), e.g.: # _stardesc Starred command label # _stardesctooltip Tooltip for the starred command checkbox. # FIXME: support for these jurabib styles (fileformat) # citefield []{} # footcite [][] # footcitetitle [][] # footcitet [][] # footcitep [][] # footcitealt [][] # footcitealp [][] # footciteauthor [][] # footciteyear [][] # footciteyearpar [][] # footfullcite [][] # # CITE COMMAND DEFINITIONS # CiteEngine authoryear # \cite* is not implemented: use \cite instead, it's the same cite [][] citetitle [][] citet [][] citep [][] citealt [][] citealp [][] citeauthor [][] citeyear [][] citeyearpar [][] fullcite [][] nocite keyonly End # # CITE FORMAT # # The following defines how the commands are represented in the GUI # (inset button and citation dialog) as well as in XHTML, docbook and # plain text output. # # Input standard format definitions for the bibliography Input stdciteformats.inc CiteFormat authoryear # # MACROS # # 1. Translatable bits (need to be marked by _ prefix, if translated to the GUI language, # or B_, if translated to the buffer language) # Note that preceding and trailing spaces matter. # _notcited not cited _addtobib Add to bibliography only. _keyonly Key only. _key Key _fullcite bibliography entry _bibentry Bibliography entry. _before before _shorttitle short title # The following are handled by BiblioInfo B_etal et al. B_namesep / B_lastnamesep / B_pairnamesep / # # 2. Macros re-used in the style definitions # !open ( !sep ; !close ) !obracket [ !cbracket ] # A link that lets us jump to the bibliography entry in LyXHTML # %clean:key% will be substituted by the cite key to give a unique id !startlink {!!} !endlink {!!} # "ShortAuthor", "Author" or "??" !shortauthor {%shortauthor%[[%shortauthor%]][[{%abbrvciteauthor%[[%abbrvciteauthor%]][[??]]}]]} # "... ShortTitle" !shorttitle {%shorttitle%[[ %shorttitle%]][[{%dialog%[[ <%_shorttitle%>]][[%!makejurashorttitle%]]}]]} # Title or "??" !maketitle {%title%[[ %title%]][[ ??]]} # "Journal Volume [Year]" !jurashorttitle {%journal%[[ %journal%]]}{%volume%[[ %volume%]]}{%year%[[ %!obracket%%year%%!cbracket%]]} # Handle short title fallback !makejurashorttitle {%ifentrytype:article%[[%!jurashorttitle%]][[{%ifentrytype:periodical%[[%!jurashorttitle%]][[ %!maketitle%]]}]]} # "prenote " !textbefore {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% ]]} # "/prenote" (button) / "/prenote/" (dialog) !textbefore2 {%textbefore%[[/%textbefore%]][[{%dialog%[[/<%_before%>]]}]]} # ", postnote" !textafter {%textafter%[[, %textafter%]]} # " postnote" !textafter2 {%textafter%[[ %textafter%]]} # Add a year if it exists (else "??") and possibly a modifier (as in 2017a) !year {%year%[[%year%]][[??]]}{%modifier%[[%modifier%]]} # "ShortAuthor/prenote postnote..." !cite %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textbefore2%%!textafter2%%!nextcite% # "ShortAuthor/prenote ShortTitle postnote..." !citetitle %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textbefore2%%!shorttitle%%!textafter2%%!nextcitetitle% # "prenote ShortAuthor (Year, postnote)..." !citet %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink% %!open%%!year%%!textafter%%!close%%!nextcitet% # "(prenote ShortAuthor, Year, postnote)" !citep %!open%%!citealp%%!close% # "prenote ShortAuthor Year, postnote..." !citealt %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor% %!year%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextcitealt% # "prenote ShortAuthor, Year, postnote..." !citealp %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor%, %!year%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextcitealp% # "prenote ShortAuthor, postnote..." !citeauthor %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextauthor% # "prenote Year, postnote..." !citeyear %!textbefore%%!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!textafter%%!nextyear% # "prenote (Year), postnote..." !citeyearpar %!textbefore%%!open%%!startlink%%!year%%!endlink%%!close%%!textafter%%!nextyearpar% # "prenote in: Key, postnote..." !fullcite {%textbefore%[[%textbefore% in: ]]}%bibentry%{%textafter%[[ %textafter%]]}%!nextfullcite% # "...; ShortAuthor postnote..." !nextcite {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!textafter2%%!nextcite%]]} # "...; ShortAuthor ShortTitle postnote..." !nextcitetitle {%next%[[%!sep% %!startlink%%!shortauthor%%!endlink%%!shorttitle%%!textafter2%%!nextcitetitle%]]} # "...; prenote ShortAuthor (Year, postnote)..." !nextcitet {%next%[[%!sep% %!citet%]]} # "...; prenote ShortAuthor Year, postnote..." !nextcitealt {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealt%]]} # "...; prenote ShortAuthor, Year, postnote..." !nextcitealp {%next%[[%!sep% %!citealp%]]} # "...; prenote ShortAuthor, postnote..." !nextauthor {%next%[[%!sep% %!citeauthor%]]} # "...; prenote Year, postnote..." !nextyear {%next%[[%!sep% %!citeyear%]]} # "...; prenote (Year), postnote..." !nextyearpar {%next%[[%!sep% %!citeyearpar%]]} # "...; Key, postnote..." !nextfullcite {%next%[[%!sep% %bibentry%%textafter%%!nextfullcite%]]} # "...; Key..." !nextkey {%next%[[%!sep% %key%%!nextkey%]]} # # ACTUAL STYLE DEFINITIONS # # "ShortAuthor/prenote postnote; NextShortAuthor postnote..." cite %!cite% # "ShortAuthor/prenote ShortTitle postnote; NextShortAuthor ShortTitle postnote..." citetitle %!citetitle% # "prenote ShortAuthor (Year, postnote); prenote NextShortAuthor (Year, postnote)..." citet %!citet% # "(prenote ShortAuthor, Year, postnote)" citep %!citep% # "prenote ShortAuthor Year, postnote; prenote NextShortAuthor Year, postnote..." citealt %!citealt% # "prenote ShortAuthor, Year, postnote.; prenote NextShortAuthor, Year, postnote..." citealp %!citealp% # "prenote ShortAuthor, postnote; prenote NextShortAuthor, postnote..." citeauthor %!citeauthor% # "prenote Year, postnote; prenote Year, postnote..." citeyear %!citeyear% # "prenote (Year), postnote; prenote (Year), postnote..." citeyearpar %!citeyearpar% # "Bibliography entry." (dialog) / "Key; Key ... (full cite)" (button) fullcite {%dialog%[[%_bibentry%]][[{%label%[[%!fullcite%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_fullcite%)]]}]]} # "Add to bibliography only." (dialog) / "Key; Key ... (not cited)" (button) nocite {%dialog%[[%_addtobib%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_notcited%)]]} # Output only the key keyonly {%dialog%[[%_keyonly%]][[%_key%: %key%%!nextkey%]]} End