# \DeclareLyXCiteEngine{Basic (BibTeX)} # DescriptionBegin # The basic citation capabilities provided by BibTeX. # Mainly simple numeric styles primarily suitable for science and maths. # DescriptionEnd # Excludes: jurabib | natbib | biblatex # Author: Julien Rioux Format 63 # The framework (biblatex|bibtex) CiteFramework bibtex # Cite style variants (default|authoryear|natbib) # We provide only default citations CiteEngineType default # Default style file DefaultBiblio plain # # CITE COMMAND DEFINITIONS for either engine type # # (cf. natbib.citeengine for a decription of the syntax) CiteEngine default cite[] nocite End # # CITE FORMAT # # The following defines how the commands are represented in the GUI # (inset button and citation dialog) as well as in XHTML, docbook and # plain text output. # CiteFormat default # # MACROS # # 1. Translatable bits (need to be marked by _ prefix) # _notcited not cited _addtobib Add to bibliography only. # # 2. Macros re-used in the style definitions # !open [ !sep , !close ] # A link that lets us jump to the bibliography entry in LyXHTML # %clean:key% will be substituted by the cite key to give a unique id !startlink {!!} !endlink {!!} # "ID..." !makecite %!startlink%{%label%[[%label%]][[{%numericallabel%[[%numericallabel%]][[#%key%]]}]]}%!endlink%%!nextcite% # "..., NextID..." !nextcite {%next%[[%!sep% %!makecite%]]} # FIXME: what is this? !nexthashkey {%next%[[%!sep% #%key%%!nexthashkey%]]} # "..., NextKey..." !nextkey {%next%[[%!sep% %key%%!nextkey%]]} # ", postnote" !textafter {%textafter%[[, %textafter%]]} # # ACTUAL STYLE DEFINITIONS # # "[ID, NextID, ..., p. xx]" cite %!open%{%dialog%[[#ID]][[%!makecite%]]}%!textafter%%!close% # "Add to bibliography only." (dialog) / "[ID] (not cited)" (button) nocite {%dialog%[[%_addtobib%]][[%key%%!nextkey% (%_notcited%)]]} End