# This file is part of # ================================================================== # # LyX, the High Level Word Processor # # Copyright (C) 1995-1997 Asger Alstrup & The LyX Team # # ================================================================== # # This is the Mac flavour bind file for LyX/Mac 1.4.x, based on # bindings found in the Mac world. # # DO NOT CHANGE THIS DEFAULT BINDING FILE! It will be replaced # with every new install of LyX and your changes will be lost. # Instead, customize a copy of this file placed in # ~/.lyx/bind/. # # Happy tuning! # Free bindings: #\bind "C-h" #\bind "C-j" #\bind "C-y" ### \bind "C-n" "buffer-new" \bind "C-S-N" "buffer-new-template" \bind "C-o" "file-open" \bind "C-r" "buffer-reload" \bind "C-w" "buffer-close" \bind "C-s" "buffer-write" \bind "C-S-S" "buffer-write-as" \bind "C-p" "dialog-show print" \bind "C-d" "buffer-view dvi" # 'd' for dvi \bind "C-t" "buffer-view pdf" \bind "C-S-D" "buffer-update dvi" # 'd' for dvi \bind "C-S-T" "buffer-update pdf" # (pdflatex; was "ps") \bind "C-q" "lyx-quit" \bind "M-Tab" "buffer-next" \bind "M-S-BackTab" "buffer-previous" \bind "C-b" "font-bold" \bind "C-e" "font-emph" \bind "C-k" "font-noun" # 'k' for capitals \bind "C-u" "font-underline" \bind "C-S-P" "font-code" # 'P' for program ***** \bind "C-m" "math-mode" \bind "C-S-M" "math-display" \bind "C-f" "dialog-show findreplace" \bind "C-g" "error-next" \bind "C-i" "next-inset-toggle" # 'i' for Inset \bind "C-c" "copy" \bind "C-x" "cut" \bind "C-v" "paste" \bind "C-S-v" "clipboard-paste" \bind "C-M-v" "primary-selection-paste" \bind "C-z" "undo" \bind "C-S-Z" "redo" \bind "C-S-E" "changes-track" # it's what MS Word uses \bind "~S-M-quotedbl" "quote-insert single" \bind "~S-C-quotedbl" "self-insert \"" \bind "C-minus" "hyphenation-point-insert" \bind "M-C-Right" "depth-increment" \bind "M-C-Left" "depth-decrement" \bind "C-S-L" "ligature-break-insert" \bind "C-l" "ert-insert" # 'l' for LaTeX #bind "F1" "help" # Not yet implemented! #bind "C-F1" "help-context" # Not yet implemented! \bind "F2" "buffer-write" \bind "F3" "file-open" \bind "C-F4" "buffer-close" \bind "F5" "screen-recenter" \bind "M-F4" "lyx-quit" \bind "F7" "dialog-show spellchecker" \bind "S-F7" "thesaurus-entry" \bind "M-x" "command-execute" # # Motion group # \bind "M-Right" "word-forward" \bind "M-Left" "word-backward" \bind "M-Up" "paragraph-up" \bind "M-Down" "paragraph-down" \bind "C-Up" "buffer-begin" \bind "C-Down" "buffer-end" \bind "C-Right" "line-end" \bind "C-Left" "line-begin" \bind "C-~S-greater" "label-goto" \bind "C-~S-less" "bookmark-goto 0" # # Motion + select group # \bind "S-Right" "forward-select" \bind "S-Left" "backward-select" \bind "S-Up" "up-select" \bind "S-Down" "down-select" \bind "S-M-Right" "word-forward-select" \bind "S-M-Left" "word-backward-select" \bind "S-M-Up" "paragraph-up-select" \bind "S-M-Down" "paragraph-down-select" \bind "S-C-Left" "line-begin-select" \bind "S-C-Right" "line-end-select" \bind "S-Prior" "screen-up-select" \bind "S-Next" "screen-down-select" \bind "S-C-Up" "buffer-begin-select" \bind "S-C-Down" "buffer-end-select" \bind "C-Insert" "copy" \bind "S-Insert" "paste" \bind "S-Delete" "cut" # Numeric keypad (if Shift+KP_XXX does not switch the NumLock state) \bind "S-KP_Right" "forward-select" \bind "S-KP_Left" "backward-select" \bind "S-KP_Up" "up-select" \bind "S-KP_Down" "down-select" \bind "S-M-KP_Right" "word-forward-select" \bind "S-M-KP_Left" "word-backward-select" \bind "S-M-KP_Up" "paragraph-up-select" \bind "S-M-KP_Down" "paragraph-down-select" \bind "S-KP_Home" "line-begin-select" \bind "S-KP_End" "line-end-select" \bind "S-KP_Prior" "screen-up-select" \bind "S-KP_Next" "screen-down-select" \bind "S-C-KP_Home" "buffer-begin-select" \bind "S-C-KP_End" "buffer-end-select" \bind "S-C-KP_Prior" "buffer-begin-select" \bind "S-C-KP_Next" "buffer-end-select" \bind "C-KP_Insert" "copy" \bind "S-KP_Insert" "paste" \bind "S-KP_Delete" "cut" # # bookmarks # \bind "C-~S-1" "bookmark-goto 1" \bind "C-~S-2" "bookmark-goto 2" \bind "C-~S-3" "bookmark-goto 3" \bind "C-~S-4" "bookmark-goto 4" \bind "C-~S-5" "bookmark-goto 5" \bind "C-M-~S-1" "bookmark-save 1" # # Edit group # \bind "M-Delete" "word-delete-forward" \bind "M-BackSpace" "word-delete-backward" \bind "M-Return" "break-paragraph-keep-layout" \bind "C-Return" "break-line" \bind "C-k" "line-delete-forward" \bind "M-space" "space-insert protected" \bind "C-M-space" "space-insert normal" \bind "S-M-space" "space-insert thin" \bind "C-period" "end-of-sentence-period-insert" \bind "M-period" "dots-insert" \bind "Escape" "cancel" \bind "C-M-Up" "paragraph-move-up" \bind "C-M-Down" "paragraph-move-down" #\bind "F9" "meta-prefix" # LyX menu \bind "C-comma" "dialog-show prefs" # Other \bind "C-a" "command-sequence buffer-begin ; buffer-end-select" # Include menu and math bindings \bind_file menus.bind \bind_file math.bind \bind_file latinkeys.bind \bind_file cyrkeys.bind \bind_file greekkeys.bind