DNW 20/11/2008 Removed un-Australian -ize variants of words from ths list. DNW 27/9/08 A short list of Australian slang terms was added. Added same new words like 'cellphone' from various online new word lists. DNW 25/9/2008 Version packaged as English Australian Dictionary Extension version 1 for OpenOffice version 3. -- Notes for 2.1.1 -- - Made some modifications as this dictionary is specifically aimed at Mozilla products and online users. My modifications: blog/RDGMS Bugzilla/M caffeinate/D Camino/M ChatZilla/M eBay/M Firefox/M Flock/M -gauge/DaGS gauge/aBDGMS Google/M google/SGD HTML/M https inline/D -install/7NRn install/7NRnSUGMB -Internet/M internet/M JavaScript/M Mozilla/M phish/RG -plug-in plug-in/SM plugin/SM podcast/MSRG PowerPoint/M screenshot/S SeaMonkey/M Songbird/M -spam/DG spam/DGM -spammer spammer/MRS subdomain/SM Sunbird/M Thunderbird/M toolbar/S unsubscribe/D webmaster/MS webmistress/MS XULRunner/M -- Notes for 2.1 -- (Not released) Based on en_AU_V2.1.zip from http://www.justlocal.com.au/ - Removed words with spaces - Removed trailing spaces from words - Change accented characters in words where this was valid according to the Macquarie English dictionary. - Removed U.S. spellings of the words with ize so only ise and variants remain. - Fixed error in affix file on line 1068 from SFZ to SFX. -- Notes for 0.2 -- 2006-08-03 Gah! A typo in the extension name? New version pronto! -- Notes for 0.1 -- 2006-08-03 I, Cameron, downloaded the en-AU dictionary file from http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/spell_dic.html in order to package it correctly for use in Mozilla applications and distribution through addons.mozilla.org. It was last modified on 2003-03-29. I received no reply after emailing the author, and such have decided to make my own fork (is it still a fork if the previous one isn't maintained?) for Mozilla :) I have also decided to change the license to the GNU General Public License - as per section 3 of the LGPL. The en_AU dictionary is credited to Kelvin Eldridge (previous maintainer) , Jean Hollis Weber and David Wilson (originally licensed under the LGPL.) Their changes: - Words incorrect in Australian English removed - a list from the previously removed words with corrected spelling was added - a list of major rivers was added - a list of place names was added - a list of Australian mammals was added - a list of Aboriginal/Koori words commonly used was added This dictionary was based on the en_GB dictionary, edited by David Bartlett, Brian Kelk and Andrew Brown - (originally licensed under the LGPL.) Which was in turn initially based on a subset of the original English wordlist created by Kevin Atkinson for Pspell and Aspell - (originally licensed under the LGPL.) Original affix file created completely from scratch by David Bartlett and Andrew Brown, based on the published rules for MySpell - (originally licensed under the LGPL.)