# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Shukllachiska Kichwa del Ecuador, hunspell format dictionary source file # Copyright (C) 2009 Arno Teigseth, Henry David Lara # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. See LICENSE.txt. If not, see . # # The author(s) can be contacted at arno at teigseth dot no # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is *NOT* the .dic file, but a master file to generate such a file. # Run the generateQUdicfile.sh script to create qu_EC.dic by the following rules: # # 1) ingore all hashes and what follows them, and all blank lines # 2) Copy verbatim all lines not ending with v # 3) For lines ending with v, create entries by the following flag rules: # # r = ri, reflexive # > = kri, going to ~ # + = ra, repeatedly ~ # - = ku, gerund # , = mu, after that ~ # w = wa, ~ for me # h = chi, make ~ # # 4) sort alphabetically # 5) count the lines and insert the count on the top of the file # # # -----File starts here----- abogado// # lawyer achka// # a lot Adán/ Adan//x adorak// adorana//r>+-,whv #test adoray// agradicina//r>+-,whv #thank aklla// akllana//r>+-,whv alhaja// alli// allina//hv # allichina alliku// allpa// alma// ama// amigo// Amós/ Amos//x anaku// anchuchina//r>,wv # remove, anciano// angel// animal// antawan// apana//r>+-,whv apéndice/ apendice//x Apocalipsis// apóstol/ apostol//x apu// # boss Apunchik// # God apushka// árabe/ arabe//x # arab ari// Armagedón/ Armagedon//x armana//r>+-,whv # wash [a baby] asha// ashaku// ashtawan// # more #ashtawankarin// # even more, in addition Asia// asina//r>+-,whv # laugh asterisco// # asterisk * auka// # enemy aya// aychata// ayllu// ayudana//r>+-,whv ayuda// # help azua// # chicha, juice Babilonia// # Babylon babilonio// # babylonian bautizarina//r>+-,whv bayeta// # chalina bendicion// biblia// bomba// brujería// bruju// brujuna//r>+-,whv caballo// cachu// cada// # every caja// cambiana//r>+-,whv # change capítulo/ capitulo//x carpa// # tent carro// carta// # letter cerveza// chaki// # foot chakina//r>+-,whv # walk (?) bh 23 §13 chakruna//r>+-,whv chamuy// # tasteless chapana//r>+-,whv # tent, acampar, beleire chapuna//r>+-,whv chari/-> # maybe suffix. shamunichari = I'm maybe coming charina//r>+-,whv chashna// chaski// #dry chaskina//r>+-,whv chawpi// chay// chayana//r>+-,whv # chayachina//r>+-,whv chaylla// chayrak// chayshuk// chichi// # goblin, de man aguero chik/-> chikan// Chimborazo// chimpana//r>+-,whv # pass, transmit(, front, counter)? chimpapuna//r>+-,whv # ( front, counter)? chinkachina//r>+-,whv chinkana//r>+-,whv chiri// # cold chiru// chivo// # goat chu/-> # not chucha/! # cunt, slut chuchaki// # drunk chukana// # choke chuki// chukrina//r>+-,whv chulunlla// chunchi// chunka// churana//r>+-,whv churi// chusku// # four Ciro// # Cyrus cocha// # lake, spanish spelling. See kucha colosenses// congregación/ congregacion//x consejo// contribución/ contribucion//x convidana//r>+-,whv # invitar contestana//r>+-,whv # respond corintios// corral// # herd cosa// costumbre// Cristo// Crónicas/ Cronicas//x crónicas/ cronicas//x cruz// cuadro// cuerpo// cuidana////r>+-,whv # protect culebra// cumpleaño// cura// Daniel// demonio// Deuteronomio// diablo// diciembre// dios// Dios// direccion// discurso// # talk divorciana//r>+-,whv doctor// # doctor droga// eclesiastés// Edén/ Eden//x ejemplo// # example enero// #january escuela// estrella// # star efesios// escribina//r>+-,whv espada// español// # spanish espíritu// espiritu//x estados// Eva// Éxodo/ Exodo//x Ezequiel// familia// fe// fichana// fiesta// # party Filipenses// filo// # sharp folleto// fruta// Gálatas/ Galatas//x Génesis/ Genesis//x gente// # people gobernacion// gobierno// grano// griego// guerra// Habacuc// Hebreos// Hechos// historia// # story hoja// Holocausto// hora// illana//r>+-,whv # miss ima// imamanta// imashina// imashinashi// imashna// incienso// informacion// inti// # sol intindina//r>+-,whv Isaías/ Isaias//x ishkanti// # both ishkay// irki// # thin ishpana//r>+-,whv israelita// # israelite jampina//r>+-,whv jampi// japina//r>+-,whv jarkak// jarkana//r>+-,whv jatun// jatunyana//hv # jawa// jawalla// jayka// Jehová/ Jehova//x Jesucristo// Jesús/ Jesus//x jichuna//r>+-,whv Job// joven// # young Juan// jucha// juchana//r>+-,whv # sinning juez// junta// juntana//r>+-,whv # justo// kachana//r>+-,whv # ka/-> kacha// # ? kachi// # salt kak// kallarina//r>+-,whv # begin kallari// kallpaykunata kalpana//r>+-,whv kama/-> # until, up to kamana//r>+-,whv # kamari// kana//r>+-,whv kancha// kanchis// kari// karikuri// karin/-> # in addition, also, even ~ kariyana//r>+-,whv # engrandecer karu// karuyana//r>+-,whv karuyay// kasana//r>+-,whv kasarak// kasaray// kasha// kashna// kashnapacha// # here on earth kasilla// # take it easy kasiyana//r>+-,whv kaspi// kasuna//r>+-,whv kati/-> # continuation suffix: tapuykati = the following question katik// katina//r>+-,whv kauchuna//r>+-,whv # twist (a cord) kaupuna//r>+-,whv kawsana//r>+-,whv kay// kayana//r>+-,whv kichki// #pocos? killa// # lazy[ness], month killanaya//r>+-,whv # [que da pereza] killka// # document killkana//r>+-,whv #write kilómetro/ kilometro//x # kilometer kimina//r>+-,whv # approach kimsa// kincha// kipa// kishpichina//r>+-,whv # forgive kishpirina//r>+-,whv # save kiwa// koya// krina//r>+-,whv kucha// # lake [my 110] kuchi// # dirty, pig kuchu// kuchuna//r>+-,whv kukuyu// kullki// kumurina//r>+-,whv kuna//r>+-,whv # give verb kuna/-> # plural suffix kunkana//r>+-,whv # forget kunana//r>+-,whv # give kunanka// #now kunchishka// # inflated kunka// kunkuna//r>+-,whv # inflate kuno// kunuk// kunuy// kupa// kuro// kusa// kusana//r>+-,whv kushi// kushina//r>+-,whv # alegrar kusi// # agile kushichina//r>+-,wv kushikuy// kushillu// kutin// kutina//r>+-,wv kuyana//r>+-,whv kuyaylla// kuychik # rainbow kuytsa// # young woman lado// lanza// laya// # kind Levítico/ Levitico//x ley// libro// límpio/ limpio//x # clean liyina//r>+-,whv lla//-> llaki// llakina//r>+-,whv llakik// llakinayta// llakta// llankana//r>+-,whv # work lluchu// llukchi// lluki// llukchina//r>+-,whv llukshi// llukshina//r>+-,whv llullana//r>+-,whv # lie (liar) lotería/ lotería//x Lucas// machana//r>+-,whv makana//r>+-,whv maki// Malaquías/ Malaquias//x mama// mana// manachu// mañana//r>+-,whv man/-> manchana//r>+-,whv # to fear manchanay// # ? mandana//r>+-,whv manta/-> mapa// mapayana//r>+-,whv Marcos// María/ Maria//x markataita// # godfather Marzo// mashi// mashna// maskana//r>+-,whv Mateo// may// maykan// # where mayllana//r>+-,whv maypi// menos// #less Mesías/ Mesias//x mi/-> michik// mikuna// # food mikuna//r>+-,whv # eat milagro// millana//r>+-,whv #hate mincha// ministerial// ministerio// ministina//r>+-,whv minkana//r>+-,whv minuto// #minute Miqueas// mirana//r>+-,whv # increment misa// mishu// # mestizo/mulatto [indian+european] mitsa// # tacaño Moisés/ Moises//x morado// # the color morado muchana//r>+-,whv # kiss muku// # knuckle munana//r>+-,whv # want mushuk// mushukyana//r>+-,whv # renew, transform bh 26 §19 muskuna//r>+-,whv # dream muyuna//r>+-,whv # to limit [muyurina=protect? bh 23 §15] muyuntin// # perimeter na// ña// nalli// ñaña// nanarina//r>+-,whv # suffer nanana//r>+-,whv # hurt ñan// napacha// #never? ñapash// #immediately navidad// ñawi// # face, eye ñawpa// # in front, adelante ñawsa// # blind nina//r>+-,whv # say ninan// # ? something in revelation 4:11 #nina// # fire nta/-> # from ~ to ~: wasinta wasinta nti/-> # from ~ to ~: punchanti punchanti nueva// ñuka// ñukanchik// número/ numero//x Números/ # Numbers bible book Numeros//x octubre// oratoria// # art of speaking oveja// pa/-> pacha//-> # land, time, and also intensifier: allipacha padrenuestro// pagana//r>+-,whv página/ pagina//x # page pájaro/ pajaro//x pak/-> pakalla// # approx. "when hidden" pakana//r>+-,whv paktana//r>+-,whv pallana//r>+-,whv # pampa// pampana//r>+-,whv pani// pantana//r>+-,whv # err, fail panteón/ panteon//x paraíso/ paraiso//x parlana//r>+-,whv página/ pagina//x pagui// # thanks párrafo/ parrafo//x parte// pash/-> pashi// # pagi? thank you paskana//r>+-,whv pasta// # pastor// pata// patsak// # a hundred pawana//r>+-,whv # climb, fly pay// Pedro// película/ pelicula//x perdonana//r>+-,whv # forgive Persia// # pescado// pescador// # fisherman pi/-> pi// # who pichana//r>+-,whv # dry (tears) pichka// #five pikichaki// # lame, patojo, cojo pinkana//r>+-,whv # ashame piñana//r>+-,whv # getting angry piñanakuy// pirka// # wall pish/-> pobre// # poor poder// política/ politica//x político/ politico//x preparana//r>+-,whv # prepare presidente// primer// # first primero// # first procesíon/ procesion//x profecía/ profecia//x profeta// # prophet programa// Proverbios// publicación/ publicacion//x pudina//r>+-,whv pueblo// puka// pukllana//r>+-,whv pukuna//r>+-,whv # produce puncha// # day punku// # door punta// # first punto// # point puñuna//r>+-,whv # sleep pura/-> # among suffix. wawkikunapura = among brothers purina//r>+-,whv puro// pushana//r>+-,whv pushtu// # part, piece puyana//r>+-,whv # Quichua// radio// rak/-> # First ~ ñukarak = me first raku// # thick rantina//r>+-,whv ranti// # instead of razo// # ice, snow regalo// # gift reino// reja// # [plow]share religión/ religion//x respetana//r>+-,whv respeto// Revelación/ Revelacion//x revista// rey// #king richana//r>+-,whv # resemble rikchana//r>+-,whv # despertar rikchakana//r>+-,whv # imagine riksina//r>+-,whv # to know riksi// # known (adj ?) rikuna//r>+-,whv # to see rikunayana//r>+-,whv # ? rimana//r>+-,whv # to talk rina//r>+-,whv # to go Romanos// ropa// ruku// rukuyana//r>+-,whv # age (verb) runa// rupa// # heat rupana//r>+-,whv # to heat rurana//r>+-,whv # to do sacerdote// safra// sakina//r>+-,whv # leave sala// # room, living room Salmo// Salmos// samana//r>+-,whv # Samuel// santa// Santiago// santo// sapa// Satanás/ Satanas//x secretaria// # secretary segunda// # second (2nd, female, from spanish) segundo// # second (time measurement) semana//r>+-,whv semana// shamuna//r>+-,whv # come shayana//r>+-,whv # leave, stop, shaykushka// # tired shillu// shimi// shina//r>+-,whv shna/-> # = shina, like shina// shitana//r>+-,whv # throw away shuk// shunku// shuti// shutichina//r>+-,wv # to name shuwana//r>+-,whv # steal shuyana//r>+-,whv # wait, hope siervo// sikana//r>+-,whv # ascend sinchi// # fuerza, strong sinchiyarina//r>+-,whv # make stronger sipi// # a strangling sirina//r>+-,whv # lie down, go to bed sirvina//r>+-,whv # serve sisa// # garden soberano// sociedad// Sofonías/ Sofonias//x soldado// suchu// # cojo sucursal// sukta// sumak// supi// #fart, flautulence ta/-> # acusative particle tak/-> takana//r>+-,whv # takllana//r>+-,whv # tabaco// taki// # song, singing takina//r>+-,whv # sing tamiya// # the rain tamiyana//r>+-,whv # to rain tantanakuna//r>+-,whv # meet tapuna//r>+-,whv # to ask tarina//r>+-,whv # to find tari// # an encounter tarpuna//r>+-,whv # cultivate taru// # ciervo tawka// tayta// taytamamakuna// # parents televisión/ television//x tema// teocrático/ # theocratic teocratico//x territorio// # territory terrorista// # terrorist Tesalonicenses// Testamento// # Testament tiana// # bosted, bopæl tiempo// # time tikrana//r>+-,whv # to return Timoteo// Tito// tiyana//r>+-,whv # to exist trabajana//r>+-,whv trabajo// # work trampa// tratana//r>+-,whv # treat trinidad// tukuchi// # finish, finished tukuna//r>+-,whv # to become tukyana//r>+-,whv # reventar, explotar tuta// #evening tzala// ucha// # utka fast uchilla// # little, small uchu// uki// ukllana//r>+-,whv # uku// # inside uma// # head umachikun # engañando unay// #duration unkuna//r>+-,whv # fall sick upiyana//r>+-,whv # drink urachaki// # in the bottom uray// # below, low[er] uraychaki// # below, low[er] uriyana//r>+-,whv # urka// # rock urku// # mountain urmana//r>+-,whv # fall ushana//r>+-,whv # know, be able utka// # fast uyana//r>+-,whv # hear valina//r>+-,whv # to value verso// vino// violana//r>+-,whv # violate viru// visitana//r>+-,whv # visit wachana//r>+-,whv # being born wakana//r>+-,whv # cry wakin// # some #wakinpikarin// # sometimes waklli// # damage wakllina// # to damage wakra// # cow waktana//r>+-,whv # hit wampra// # young man wan/-> # with wanlla// wano// # manure wañuna//r>+-,whv waranka// # 1000 warkuna//r>+-,whv # hang warmi// # woman washa// # down(?) wasi// # house wata// # year wawa// # kid wawayashka// wawki// # brother of brother waynayana//r>+-,whv # fornicate wayra// # wind wichana//r>+-,whv # ascend wiki// # tear wiksa// # stomach willana//r>+-,whv # ascend wira// #fat wiñana//r>+-,whv # grow yachana//r>+-,whv # know #yakpi/-> # inside, in (?) Tuta|yakpika inti= stars? yak/-> # being in - yaka// #almost yaku// # water yalli// # more yallina//r>+-,whv # exceed, exceder, overgå yana// # black yanka// # yankana//r>+-,whv # avoid, leave yapata// # too much, demás yanuna//r>+-,whv # to cook yapuna//r>+-,whv # to plow [arar] yarina//r>+-,whv # to feel yarikay// # famine yawar// # blood yaykuna//r>+-,whv # enter yuk/-> # owner of: wasiyuk = landlord, house owner yupaichani// # thanks yurak// # white yura// # tree, plant yuyana//r>+-,whv #think