# # Copyright (c) 2006-2011 Peter Kümmel, # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products # derived from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES # OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT # NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # set(CMAKE_ALLOW_LOOSE_LOOP_CONSTRUCTS true) macro(lyx_add_path _list _prefix) set(_tmp) foreach(_current ${${_list}}) set(_tmp ${_tmp} ${_prefix}/${_current}) endforeach(_current) set(${_list} ${_tmp}) endmacro(lyx_add_path _out _prefix) #create the implementation files from the ui files and add them #to the list of sources #usage: LYX_ADD_QT4_UI_FILES(foo_SRCS ${ui_files}) macro(LYX_ADD_UI_FILES _sources _ui) foreach (_current_FILE ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_tmp_FILE ${_current_FILE} ABSOLUTE) get_filename_component(_basename ${_tmp_FILE} NAME_WE) set(_header ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/ui_${_basename}.h) # we need to run uic and replace some things in the generated file # this is done by executing the cmake script LyXuic.cmake # ###### # Latest test showed on linux and windows show no bad consequeces, # so we removed the call to LyXuic.cmake add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_header} COMMAND ${QT_UIC_EXECUTABLE} -tr lyx::qt_ ${_tmp_FILE} -o ${_header} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${_tmp_FILE}) set(${_ui} ${${_ui}} ${_header}) endforeach (_current_FILE) endmacro(LYX_ADD_UI_FILES) macro(LYX_AUTOMOC) if (QT4_GET_MOC_INC_DIRS) QT4_GET_MOC_INC_DIRS(_moc_INCS) endif() set(_matching_FILES) foreach (_current_FILE ${ARGN}) get_filename_component(_abs_FILE ${_current_FILE} ABSOLUTE) # if "SKIP_AUTOMOC" is set to true, we will not handle this file here. # here. this is required to make bouic work correctly: # we need to add generated .cpp files to the sources (to compile them), # but we cannot let automoc handle them, as the .cpp files don't exist yet when # cmake is run for the very first time on them -> however the .cpp files might # exist at a later run. at that time we need to skip them, so that we don't add two # different rules for the same moc file get_source_file_property(_skip ${_abs_FILE} SKIP_AUTOMOC) if (EXISTS ${_abs_FILE} AND NOT _skip) file(READ ${_abs_FILE} _contents) get_filename_component(_abs_PATH ${_abs_FILE} PATH) string(REGEX MATCHALL "#include +[\"<]moc_[^ ]+\\.cpp[\">]" _match "${_contents}") if (_match) foreach (_current_MOC_INC ${_match}) string(REGEX MATCH "moc_[^ <\"]+\\.cpp" _current_MOC "${_current_MOC_INC}") get_filename_component(_basename ${_current_MOC} NAME_WE) string(LENGTH ${_basename} _length) MATH(EXPR _mocless_length ${_length}-4) STRING(SUBSTRING ${_basename} 4 ${_mocless_length} _mocless_name ) set(_header ${_abs_PATH}/${_mocless_name}.h) #message(STATUS "moc : ${_header}") #set(_header ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/${_basename}.h) #set(_header ${_abs_PATH}/${_basename}.h) set(_moc ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_current_MOC}) if (WIN32) set(_def -D_WIN32) endif() #set(_moc ${_abs_PATH}/${_current_MOC}) add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${_moc} COMMAND ${QT_MOC_EXECUTABLE} ARGS "-DQT_VERSION=${QT4_VERSION}" ${_def} ${_moc_INCS} ${_header} -o ${_moc} MAIN_DEPENDENCY ${_header}) macro_add_file_dependencies(${_abs_FILE} ${_moc}) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(${_moc} GENERATED) endforeach (_current_MOC_INC) else() #message(STATUS "moc not found : ${_abs_FILE} ") endif() endif() endforeach (_current_FILE) endmacro (LYX_AUTOMOC) macro(lyx_const_touched_files _allinone_name _list) set(_file_list ${_allinone_name}_files) set(_file_const ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_allinone_name}_const.C) set(_file_touched ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_allinone_name}_touched.C) # don't touch exisiting or non-empty file, # so a cmake re-run doesn't touch all created files set(_rebuild_file_const 0) if (NOT EXISTS ${_file_const}) set(_rebuild_file_const 1) else() FILE(READ ${_file_const} _file_content) if (NOT _file_content) set(_rebuild_file_const 1) endif() endif() set(_rebuild_file_touched 0) if (NOT EXISTS ${_file_touched}) set(_rebuild_file_touched 1) else() FILE(READ ${_file_touched} _file_content) if (NOT _file_content) set(_rebuild_file_touched 1) endif() endif() if (LYX_MERGE_REBUILD) #message(STATUS "Merge files build: rebuilding generated files") set(_rebuild_file_const 1) set(_rebuild_file_touched 1) endif() if (_rebuild_file_const) file(WRITE ${_file_const} "// autogenerated file \n//\n") file(APPEND ${_file_const} "// * clear or delete this file to build it again by cmake \n//\n\n") endif() if (_rebuild_file_touched) file(WRITE ${_file_touched} "// autogenerated file \n//\n") file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "// * clear or delete this file to build it again by cmake \n//\n") file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "// * don't touch this file \n//\n\n") file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "#define DONT_INCLUDE_CONST_FILES\n") file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "#include \"${_file_const}\"\n\n\n") endif() #add merged files also to the project so they become editable if(${GROUP_CODE} MATCHES "flat") lyx_add_info_files_no_group(${${_list}}) else() lyx_add_info_files(MergedFiles ${${_list}}) endif() set(${_file_list} ${_file_const} ${_file_touched} ${lyx_${groupname}_info_files}) foreach (_current_FILE ${${_list}}) get_filename_component(_abs_FILE ${_current_FILE} ABSOLUTE) # don't include any generated files in the final-file # because then cmake will not know the dependencies get_source_file_property(_isGenerated ${_abs_FILE} GENERATED) if (_isGenerated) list(APPEND ${_file_list} ${_abs_FILE}) else() GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(_file_name ${_abs_FILE} NAME_WE) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "-" "_" _file_name "${_file_name}") set(__macro_name ${_file_name}___ASSUME_CONST) if (_rebuild_file_const) file(APPEND ${_file_const} "#define ${__macro_name}\n") file(APPEND ${_file_const} "#if defined(${__macro_name}) && !defined(DONT_INCLUDE_CONST_FILES)\n") file(APPEND ${_file_const} "#include \"${_abs_FILE}\"\n") file(APPEND ${_file_const} "#endif\n\n") endif() if (_rebuild_file_touched) file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "#ifndef ${__macro_name}\n") file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "#include \"${_abs_FILE}\"\n") file(APPEND ${_file_touched} "#endif\n\n") endif() endif() endforeach (_current_FILE) endmacro(lyx_const_touched_files) macro(lyx_qt_resources_file _qrc_name _to_dir _list) if (NOT EXISTS ${_qrc_name}) set(_rebuild_file 1) else() FILE(READ ${_qrc_name} _file_content) if (NOT _file_content) set(_rebuild_file 1) endif() endif() if (_rebuild_file) message(STATUS "Generating ${_qrc_name}") file(WRITE ${_qrc_name} "\n") file(APPEND ${_qrc_name} "\n") foreach (_current_FILE ${${_list}}) get_filename_component(_abs_FILE ${_current_FILE} ABSOLUTE) string(REGEX REPLACE "${_to_dir}" "" _file_name ${_abs_FILE}) file(APPEND ${_qrc_name} " ${_abs_FILE}\n") endforeach (_current_FILE) file(APPEND ${_qrc_name} "\n") file(APPEND ${_qrc_name} "\n") endif() add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_qrc_name} COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} --target rebuild_cache ) endmacro(lyx_qt_resources_file) macro(LYX_OPTION_INIT) set(LYX_OPTIONS) endmacro() macro(LYX_OPTION _name _description _default _sys) set(_msg OFF) if(${_sys} MATCHES "GCC") set(_system CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) elseif(${_sys} MATCHES "MAC") set(_system APPLE) else() set(_system ${_sys}) endif() if(${_system} MATCHES "ALL") option(LYX_${_name} ${_description} ${_default}) set(_msg ON) else() if(${${_system}}) option(LYX_${_name} ${_description} ${_default}) set(_msg ON) endif() endif() list(APPEND LYX_OPTIONS LYX_${_name}) set(LYX_${_name}_description ${_description}) set(LYX_${_name}_show_message ${_msg}) endmacro() macro(LYX_OPTION_LIST_ALL) if(UNIX) set(run_cmake ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run_cmake.sh) file(WRITE ${run_cmake} "#!/bin/bash \n") execute_process(COMMAND chmod 755 ${run_cmake}) set(cont "\\\n") elseif(WIN32) set(run_cmake ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/run_cmake.bat) file(WRITE ${run_cmake} "") set(cont "