# Regular expressions for tests that are known to fail # # Patterns will be automatically enclosed with '^' and '$'. # Matching tests get the label "inverted" # or (if also matching a pattern in "suspendedTests") "suspended". # They get also the test-property 'WILL_FAIL', i.e. # they are reported as failing if the export works without error. # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.0/prop_test/WILL_FAIL.html Sublabel: todo # # LyX bugs and problems with the sample documents that require attention. # * minor issues to explore and properly sort, # * easyfix issues, # * LyX bugs to report at trac (move pattern to section "lyxbugs" once done). # Error in Japanese document if LyX-logo is preceded by foreign language export/export/latex/ja_wrong_auto_encoding_(dvi|pdf(|3)).* # Missing characters with Unicode fonts # (the "hidden" replacement with FreeSerif does not help and results in bad # typography for mathematical content): # For details see the file "systemfonts-Math-missingchars.lyx" export/doc/(|de/|es/|fr/)Math.*systemF export/export/latex/systemfonts-Math-missingchars.*systemF # missing character: There is no ^^A in font [lmroman12-regular] # and all the line down to ^^Z and beyond... # XeTeX artifact? works with LuaTeX, explore: export/doc/(|de/|es/|fr/)EmbeddedObjects_pdf4_systemF # Changes in TeX Live 2014 (see git blame for info) fixed # IEEEtran-CompSoc_pdf4_systemF but not others. # TODO Investigate if others can be fixed? # * IEEEtran-Journal_pdf4_systemF compiles here (GM) # * All IEEEtran-TransMag.* exports fail here: # missing commands \IEEEtitleabstractindextext, \IEEEdisplaynontitleabstractindextext # -> adapt template and style (GM) export/templates/IEEEtran-(Journal|TransMag)_pdf4_systemF # Requires ctex (Chinese). # Default output format is XeTeX. -> Only system fonts? # Does (dvi|pdf3_texF|dvi3_texF) produce sensible results? export/templates/ctex_(pdf[23]?|pdf4_texF) # Example for lib/scripts/listerrors # Requires noweb. Seems to be restricted to plain "latex". # Find out why and whether the script could be improved. export/examples/listerrors_(pdf[245]).* # Requires CJK. # Why does it fail with pdflatex and dvipdfm? CJK restriction? Workarounds? # (Also fails with Xe/LuaTeX and TeX-fonts -- as expected, see ignoredTests) export/examples/ko/splash_(dvi||pdf[23]?) # Following mathmacros tests fail # Why? -> sort and comment export/mathmacros/testcases_speed_(lyx16|lyx21|dvi|pdf|pdf[23]|(dvi3|pdf[45])_(texF|systemF)) check_load/mathmacros/testcases_speed Sublabel: lyxbugs # # LyX bugs with a Trac number. #8823 documents requiring pre-processing fail with Japanese export/examples/ja/(knitr|lilypond|sweave)_(dvi|pdf3?) #10355 xmllint detects failures export/doc/attic/eu_UserGuide_xhtml export/doc/(es|ja)/UserGuide_xhtml export/examples/spreadsheet_xhtml export/export/WrongDfnTagHandling_xhtml #10371 Compilation error if longest label marker in labeling style # contains underscores etc. export/export/latex/LongestLabelWithUnderscore.* #9871 LyX sends invalid Unicode to iconv when converting to ASCII # most probably due to BabelPreamble code (language specific headings for # theorems, problems , ... are written in the language's default encoding # if they contain non-ASCII characters) export/doc/(es|fr)/Additional_pdf4_texF #9637 textgreek and textcyr depend on font-encoding, not input encoding #6463 font encoding changes and combining accents # this leads to failure of ru/Intro with XeTeX (pdf4_texF) export/export/latex/ru-accent-ascii.* Sublabel: ert # # Export failures due to "raw" LaTeX use in ERT or preamble code. # "Wontfix" if demonstrating correct use and OK in the default output format. # Non-ASCII in ERT, fails with inputenc==ASCII (e.g. XeTeX with tex-fonts) export/doc/(de|es)/Additional_pdf4_texF # inputencoding="utf8-plain" with Xe/LuaTeX: characters with # Unicode point > 256 lead to errors with 8-bit fonts # (We keep this option for power users setting Unicode fonts in the preamble # or document class file). export/export/latex/utf8-plain-with-tex-fonts_.*_texF Sublabel: texissues # # Export fails due to LaTeX limitations, # e.g. non-ASCII in verbatim or listings, incompatible packages, ... # "Wontfix" if documents demonstrate correct use in the default output format. # Non-ASCII char in verbatim environment. # Fails with ASCII (and hence also with XeTeX). export/doc/(|de/|es/|fr/)UserGuide_pdf4_texF # Hebrew docs do not currently work with LuaTeX (will be fixed in TeXLive-16) # TODO: set working system fonts in the lyx sources export/.*/he/.*(dvi3|pdf5).* # ... nor with XeTeX and 8-bit TeX fonts (due to missing ASCII replacements) export/.*/he/.*pdf4_texF # Babel-Russian uses UTF-8 for auto-strings if it detects Xe/LuaTeX. # This fails unless the inputencoding is set to utf-8, too. export/doc/ru/(Intro|Tutorial)_(dvi3|pdf[45])_texF export/examples/ru/splash_(dvi3|pdf[45])_texF # Gives the following error: # # ! Package hpstatement Error: H or P statement "H251" # # (hpstatement) is not defined. # seems to be polyglossia-related (dvi3 worked with babel) export/examples/H-P-statements_.*_systemF # tufte (partially) incompatible with latex and xelatex: # \MakeTextUppercase requires microtype. # http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/202142/problems-compiling-tufte-title-page-in-xelatex export/examples/(|de/|es/)tufte-(book|handout)_(dvi.*|pdf|pdf3|pdf4.*) # Wasysym - LuaTeX incompatibility # Missing character reported for $_\sun$ # (the sun-character is printed in \normalsize (i.e. not scaled) # with any export format -- only LuaTeX reports a missing character). export/examples/aas_sample_(dvi3|pdf5)_(texF|systemF) # These files use packages that are not compatible with the newest LuaTeX. We # could potentially fix these by loading the luatex85 package early in the # LyX-generated preamble, but it seems it's better to wait until the packages # fix the root issue themselves. # xy package: .*(|fr/)xy(pic|figure).*pdf5.* # Polyglossia + LuaTeX + \verb bug with Cyrillic and Greek: # when compiling with LuaTeX, the "verb" and "url" macros trigger a false # error (also with fonts supporting Cyrillic!) and spurious output # See https://github.com/reutenauer/polyglossia/issues/160 export/examples/(ru|uk)/splash_(dvi3|pdf5)_systemF export/doc/(ru|uk)/Intro_(dvi3|pdf5)_systemF # Problem with Check and Slovak Babel support. # (reported per mail to Petr Tesa\v{r}\'ik, 2016-09-06) # All exports using babel fail. # Without the Czech or Slovak text it compiles # No problem with inserted German (or other foreign language) text # No problem if the table is Slovak, too export/export/latex/TableErrorIfSlovakTextInserted_(dvi|pdf[23]?|.*_texF) # Polyglossia + LuaTeX issue # Reported upstream here: # https://github.com/reutenauer/polyglossia/issues/163 # These tests were broken at 3374b854 # See discussion here: # https://www.mail-archive.com/search?l=mid&q=1478004223.2367.5.camel%40lyx.org export/doc/(sk|nb)/Intro_(dvi3|pdf5)_systemF Sublabel: attic # # Documents in the attic are kept for reference and format conversion test. # However, many problems here are "wontfix". # Fails because of missing .png graphic files. # They were replaced by .svgz, but, as this file is in the attic, we do not # convert to new lyx format. Plain latex and xetex create output (ignoring # missing files) while (pdf|lua)latex exits with != 0 export/doc/attic/eu_UserGuide_pdf[25].* # Files in the attic with non-default output # (i.e. could be ERT, package incompatiblity, ...) export/doc/attic/it_(Customization_pdf5|UserGuide_dvi3|UserGuide_pdf4)_systemF export/doc/attic/sk_UserGuide_pdf4_texF export/doc/attic/id_UserGuide_.*systemF